Yours: A Forever After Novella

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Book: Yours: A Forever After Novella by Natasha Thomas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Natasha Thomas
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    This sick fuck counted. Spike counted how many times my beautiful, innocent, sweet wife begged him to stop. Spike doesn’t know it yet, but his answer sealed his fate. I would have been happy with putting a bullet in his skull up until his admission, but now, no less than a draw out torturous death will do.
    Turning to face Harleigh, I take in the tears cascading down her cheeks and ask.
    “That right? Tell me, Angel. Is that the number?”
    She blinks at me sightlessly for long moments before murmuring,
    “Motherfucker, you’re dead,” a new voice roars from behind me. And I take solace in the knowledge that my backup has arrived.
    Sparing a glance in Fury’s direction, I see his fists balled at his sides, the vein at his temple pulsing, and the tendons in his neck tighten as he clenches his jaw. His gaze bypasses Spike and me when he sees I have the situation under control and lands on his daughter. My wife. The reason I’m willing to risk going to jail for the rest of my life to protect.
    Fury crosses the room and kneels in front of Harleigh in five strides, cupping her tear-stained face in large hands. She looks so tiny next to her dad, which has every protective instinct inside me flaring to life. Fury would never hurt Harleigh, I know that, but my primal side isn’t as evolved as the rest of me.
    A deep growl rumbles from my chest.
    “Don’t. Fucking. Touch. Her.”
    Sensing that I’m close to the edge, more animal than man, Fury drops his hands and jerks his head at me.
    “It’s all good, son. We’re good. I won’t hurt her.”
    At his reassurance, Fury thinks he’s placated the beast and goes to take Harleigh’s hand in his.
    “I said, don’t fucking touch her. No one touches her but me. Fucking. No. One,” I bellow, landing another knee to Spike’s groin.
    Tying the blanket I covered her with tighter around her body, Harleigh approaches me carefully. Once she’s standing beside me, Harleigh lays her hand on my arm, then runs her fingers up and across the width of my shoulders. The gentle way she touches me is soothing. Not nearly calming enough to dissipate all of my anger, but enough to keep me from being consumed by it.
    “I need you to let him go, honey,” she reasons.
    My body instinctively leans back into her touch when she would have moved to pull away. Harleigh takes the hint, though, and continues stroking me gently. Methodically, her hands caress me, giving me something to focus on that isn’t shrouded in death and pain. My muscles loosen as Harleigh kneads them, relieving some of my physical tension but none of the emotional turmoil swirling inside me.
    “Please, Lyric. For me,” she breathes, having got closer without me realizing it.
    I don’t want her this close to the asshole who terrorized her. The last thing she should be is within a hundred miles of this piece of shit, but there’s no telling Harleigh anything when she puts her mind to something. Especially when she thinks what she’s doing is saving someone she loves. A fact I’m more aware of now than I have ever been.
    “Baby girl, do you want to let your old man in on what the fuck’s going on? How about you and I find somewhere quiet we can talk while these boys’ sort their shit out?” Fury suggests.
    With his feet planted a shoulder width apart and his arms crossed over his broad chest, any man would be stupid to look at Fury and believe they’d win in a fair fight. But I’m not just any man; I’m Harleigh’s, and I would fight dirty and die filthy to keep her by my side.
    “Not fucking happening,” I answer for her. “She doesn’t leave my sight until I’ve got assurances that this fucker isn’t going anywhere but a hole in the ground once I’m finished with him.”
    “He’s a brother, Lyric,” Fury states, telling me something I already know. “Regardless of what he’s done, I’ve got to take

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