Wolf Pack

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Book: Wolf Pack by Crissy Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Crissy Smith
Tags: Erotic Romance Fiction
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his cock by the base and leaning forward.
    Kendra moved her hand out of the way so she could grab his hips.
    He slid into her. Once fully buried in her he paused. “Slow, this time.”
    “Perfect,” she replied.
    Cole withdrew before he pushed back in. Kendra kept her eyes on him, and he repeated the move over and over. It was different from their previous trysts, but this time, instead of allowing the adrenaline and need to fill her, Kendra basked in the care Cole took as he made love to her.
    She rolled her hips as she kept her hands on him. Each time he pushed inside she bowed back and accepted him. His cock spread her open and she loved it. He skimmed his hands around her body to cup and lift her ass. The new position allowed him to drive himself deeper. Kendra cried out. She shook and trembled as her clit pulsed. He drove himself in a few more times and she climaxed. Above her, Cole hollered his own release.
    * * * *
    The insistent ringing of a phone close by was annoying the hell out of Cole. He groaned and rolled over but bumped into the coffee table. “Damn,” he muttered. They probably shouldn’t have fallen asleep on the floor after making love.
    “Answer the phone,” Kendra mumbled from his side.
    “I am, I am,” he bitched. He reached over for his jeans and pulled the small cell from the back pocket. As he closed his hand over it the phone stopped ringing. “Ugh.” He banged his head on the table.
    Cole closed his eyes once again. He was damn tired but maybe he could carry Kendra to her bed and get some real sleep. He jumped when his cell started ringing again. Zak’s name flashed across the screen.
    “Hey, man, there was another attack,” Zak said.
    “Shit, where?” He climbed to his feet and strolled to the kitchen doorway.
    “This time it was on the pack grounds,” Zak told him.
    Cole looked over to where Kendra was back asleep. “Who?”
    “A younger wolf who was out for a run. He’s going to make it but he’s pretty torn up. I’m with the Alpha now and could really use your help.”
    “Yeah.” He roughly ran his hand over his face. “I’ll be there in a minute.”
    “I figured,” Zak said. “Your car’s still out front. I take it you’re at Kendra’s cabin.”
    He chuckled. “Yeah.”
    “Bring your girl. We have a witness this time.”
    “Will do.” Cole ended the call. “Hey.” He crawled back over to Kendra. “Wake up.” He shook her.
    “Go away.” She batted his hand.
    “We need to get up to the Alpha house,” he told her. He shifted over to sort through their clothes.
    “What? Why?”
    “You need to get dressed. I’ll explain on the way.” He picked up the sweats she’d worn earlier and tossed them over his shoulder to her.
    “Something happened? Here?” she asked.
    Cole took a deep breath and turned to her. She looked beautiful with her sleepy eyes and disheveled hair. He leaned forward and kissed her gently. “Everyone’s okay.”
    “All right.” She nodded before she began to dress.
    They were ready and out of the door in only a few minutes. Cole gripped her hand as they followed the dark path that would lead them back to the main house.
    “Hey,” Zak called out as they stepped into the open area off the side of the Alpha’s home. “Over here.”
    Cole lengthened his strides but Kendra easily kept up with him. When they reached the tiger shifter, Zak nodded to them.
    “Dean Wilson was on a run with a few of his buddies. He got separated from the group but decided to continue on his own for a little bit. After a while he felt like he was being followed but couldn’t quite catch who or what it was.”
    “Taylor ordered no one to run alone,” Kendra said.
    “Yeah,” Zak agreed. “He told me. But Dean had been chasing a rabbit and thought since he was in the middle of the pack territory he’d be safe. He’s young and arrogant.”
    “Taylor is going to kill him,” she mumbled.
    Zak laughed. “There was something

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