his mouth lifted in a smile and he saw Jamie rub her arms.
“All right, but as soon as we’re done, we are coming back here.”
“Yeess!” Samantha exclaimed as she slipped away from his side and hugged Jamie.
“We will have to take my truck though. We can’t all fit on your bike.”
“Bike? What kind of bike?”
“I’ll show you. Come on.” Samantha and Jamie followed him back toward the house where Jamie grabbed her purse, before they walked out.
“That’s yours?” Samantha asked, her voice cracking in awe when they stopped next to his Harley.
“Cool! Can you take me for a ride?”
“Not right now, but maybe when we get back. It’s up to your mom, though.”
Samantha pleaded with her mother. “Can he, Mom, please?”
“We’ll see when we get back.”
They climbed into her truck and drove to the local Waffle House out on highway 287. As they got out, he saw several sets of eyes swivel toward them and jaws drop in astonishment.
Damn! I forgot how small this town really is.
“Are you sure about this, Jamie?” he asked with a tip of his head toward the staring patrons.
“It’s fine. I don’t care what people think—never have. You should know that by now.”
He chuckled while he held the door open for the two females with him. “I guess I had forgotten.”
They took a booth and he sat across from Jamie and Samantha. The waitress walked up to their table, and with a surprised gasp, she said, “Well, Wyatt Crossland. I didn’t realize you were back in town.”
“Hi, Andrea. Nice to see you.”
“You too, honey.” The woman’s eyes swept over Jamie and Samantha. “Why, isn’t this just a cozy family scene.”
“Andrea,” he growled in warning, but the woman ignored him.
“I bet you’re just enjoying this all to pieces, eh Samantha? How cool is that—to have both your mom and dad having breakfast with you after he’s been gone so long.”
Samantha’s eyes locked with his for a moment before they moved to her mother and then back the waitress. A nervous laugh bubbled from her lips. “Wyatt’s not my dad. He’s just a friend of mom’s.”
The waitress looked at Jamie and she gave her a slight shake of her head that he barely caught as her eyes narrowed in warning.
“Yeah—right. Sorry honey. My mistake.” She pulled out her ordering pad and said, “What can I get y’all to drink?”
Once they had finished ordering their drinks and food, Samantha excused herself to go to the little girl’s room, giving him a chance to say something to Jamie. “We need to talk to her and soon. She’s going to find out from someone other than us if we don’t, and I’m not sure about you, but I certainly would rather she hear it from us.”
“I know,” Jamie whispered before she shot a glance over her shoulder.
“Why don’t you come over to my place tonight for dinner and we can talk to her.”
“I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”
“We need to tell her.”
“Tell her what?” Samantha said when she approached the table.
Jamie turned white. “Uh…”
“Just that your mom agreed to come by my house and have dinner later, just the three of us.”
Jamie’s eyes narrowed and spit fire at him from across the table, but he only smiled.
“Cool. Can you take me on your bike and mom and follow in the truck?” Samantha asked when she slid back into the booth next to Jamie.
“I’m sure we can arrange something.”
They managed to make small talk until they were done eating. Thankfully there were no more episodes like before where Samantha might find out about her parentage, before they could talk to her. Samantha kept the conversation lively as they rode back to Jamie’s parents’ house.
When they were headed toward the door, Samantha asked, “Are you coming in, Wyatt?”
“It depends on if your mom says it’s okay. I don’t want to intrude.”
“I’m sure it’s fine. Come on.” She grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the house
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