and looked like he wanted to bite off his tongue.
She stiffened against the pillows. “What investigation?”
Jason muttered an oath and dragged his hand over his jaw. “I didn’t want you to know about that right now.”
“Too late. What investigation?”
He looked down at his hands and then raised his head and sighed. “There’s a suspicion of arson.”
Maxi gasped. Her fingers plucked at the ragged neckline of the hospital gown, suddenly too tight on her throat. “Arson? Who would want to burn down our barn?”
“That’s what I’ve been trying to figure out.”
Her head swam as she tried to comprehend the significance of this new turn of events. Then her blood ran cold as a sudden thought occurred to her. “What happens to our insurance if they find out the fire was deliberate?”
Her stomach sank when he didn’t reply. The sympathy in Jason’s blue eyes told her the answer. “They won’t pay us, will they?”
“Probably not. Unless you can prove it wasn’t anyone connected with the property who might have a stake in it.” His gaze seemed to ask a question. “There wouldn’t be anyone like that, would there?”
Irritation rose up in waves. “You don’t think I’d do something like that?”
“No, not you. Or Aidan.” He paused. “I was thinking of Cal.”
Anger lit a slow fuse inside her. Though she had issues with her oldest brother, it hurt that Jason would think him capable of such treachery. “I know my brother’s no saint, but Cal would never do this to us. What reason would he have?”
Jason rose to pace the small space. “He’s always hated that farm. Maybe he was afraid you’d expect him to move back and take over.”
She shook her head. “But Cal wasn’t even here. He took off right after the funeral.”
“Who says he wasn’t hanging around waiting for the right opportunity?”
Maxi pushed herself up in the bed and swung her legs over the side. “No. Cal would not set the place on fire knowing Mama and I were inside the house. I know my brother better than that.”
“OK. OK. It was just a thought.” With firm hands, he guided her back into bed, arranging the pillows behind her into a more comfortable position.
She scowled at him, pushing her lips together into a tight line to stop them from quivering. Tears brimmed, blurring her vision. She blinked hard to push them back. She would not break down in front of Jason. She needed time to think, to decide what to do next. Once she had a plan of action figured out, she’d start to feel steadier.
“I have to go into town for a bit,” Jason said, straightening to his full height. “But I’ll be back later to pick you up.”
She nodded, her arms crossed tightly around her torso as if to protect herself from any further emotional blows.
Jason hesitated at the foot of her bed. “You want me to call your friend, Lance? Let him know about this.”
“No.” The thought of Lance smothering her with concern made her claustrophobic. “No sense in worrying him. I’m fine.”
“All right. It’s your call.” He stopped at the door. “Try not to worry, Max. Everything will work out. You’ll see.”
At the Kingsville Fire Hall, Jason found Steve Hamilton in his office finishing a hamburger for his lunch. The smell of barbecue and bacon made Jason’s mouth water. His stomach growled, reminding him he hadn’t eaten all day.
“Jason. You’re not on the roster today, are you?” Steve waved him inside and motioned to a spare chair.
Jason perched on the edge of the seat. “No. I was visiting Maxi in the hospital and decided to drop by and see if the investigator turned up anything.”
Steve’s weathered face seemed to close up. “You know I can’t discuss the details of the case with you. Especially since you’re a friend of the family.”
Jason hadn’t really expected anything else. “Worth a try.”
Steve chuckled. “Guess I can’t fault you there.” He threw a wrapper in the
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