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Book: WAYWARD BRATS by Jaymee Pizzey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jaymee Pizzey
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The light fabric glided up over her curves to reveal her smooth pussy nestled between her thighs and silk knee-high stockings.
    “I doubt you got them from Smith’s storeroom,” I said snapping the lace band of one of her garters.
    She straddled me, on all fours this time, then slid down my body, pulling down the covers as she went to my ankles.
    “I see they gave you Prudish Penny’s leftovers to wear.” She freed the hem of my floor-length nighty and, bunching it up as she went, kissed her way back to my thigh and across my hip.
    She brushed her lips across my pussy and smiled at me.
    It was a wanton, wicked smile that suited me perfectly.
    She was wrong in thinking I was at Charlotte’s because of a penchant for girls, though. I loved cock, as much as I could get. In fact, cock was what had got me tossed into this awful moral prison in the first place.
    But Sarah had a way about her that made my pussy tingle every bit as much as a dick ever had.
    Holding my gaze, she ran her tongue up and down the tight, smooth fold of my sex.
    A movement caught my eye.
    I glanced at the door to see a man silhouetted there. Jason, I presumed from his size, leaned nonchalantly against the jam.
    “I thought breakfast was taking a little long,” he said sauntering over to the bed. A strike of lightning followed by a drumroll of thunder revealed his semi-undressed state. His chiseled, bronze chest gleamed in the dull daylight, wet with rain. His unworn flannel shirt tucked into his belt.
    He bulged in all the right places.
    I had had my eye on Jason since arrival and had given up hope of coming within a dinner table of him. The caregivers of Charlotte Stone didn’t miss a trick where the chastity of their Wayward Girls was concerned.
    “I call dibs!” Sarah wiped her mouth and glared at Jason. “You can take the tray down and cover for us,” she said.
    He was half way across the room and almost at the bed.
    “I want him to stay,” I said. Swallowing the tightness from my throat.
    God, I needed cock.
    Sarah covered my mouth with both her hands. “But, I have plans for us, Ari! You don’t need a man when you have a friend like me.” She slid back down my body and buried her face in my pussy. Her tongue, nimble and furtive, proved her dexterity while her face, warm and silky soft against my bare skin, made her point.
    “Sarah’s wiles and tongue are no match for this –” Jason’s eyes glittered as he unbelted his jeans and slid them down to reveal his huge, hard cock.
    The thunder rolled outside as if it too were shocked by Jason’s virile masculinity. He climbed onto the bed, his cock a masterpiece.
    If Apollo had knelt naked beside him, Jason would have had no cause for shame.
    Jason resembled the mythical sun god in more ways than one. His chest was smelted bronze with a dusting of blonde hair. His arms were heavily banded with muscle and his thighs bulged. His damp, dark gold hair curled slightly against his broad forehead, his eyes were a steel gray that perfectly suited his firm jaw and straight nose.
    Desire pumped through my veins at the thought of Jason plundering my orifices. A shiver covered me in goosebumps. I had never desired anyone this much before.
    Physically, I didn’t know if so much man could find a place in any one of my holes without causing some serious damage.
    “Calm down, Ariana. Calm down. Calm down. Calm down.” Sarah sat on my chest and cupped her hands over my mouth. “Give me a chance, I am very good I assure you.”
    I was torn between her tongue and Jason’s cock. I didn’t want to offend either. Things were dry enough as it was, and I wasn’t willing to toss anyone out of bed.
    “What about this?” I said. The storm continued to rage outside, but the room had brightened. “I like to watch. You two do each other. Whoever makes the other cum the most, gets to do me.”
    Sarah crossed her arms and pouted. “You’re going to choose him.”
    I cupped her face between my

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