War In Heaven

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Book: War In Heaven by C. L. Turnage Read Free Book Online
Authors: C. L. Turnage
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caps of earth reach a 
 point of instability every 11,000 years or so, and as Nibiru
passes, it triggers a massive slippage of ice 
 into the sea. Sitchin
states in The l2 th Planet that the Flood most likely occurred in the
zodiacal “Age of 
 the Lion,” (10,860 B. C. to 8700 B. C.). If one counts back 10,800
years from 2060 A. D., the projected 
 date for Nibiru’s return, then we arrive at 8,740 as the date for
the last Great Flood. 91
    The Gods Used to Tax Humans
 Is there more to the story of the Great Flood than the Bible
reveals? Why did the Elohim, decide 
 to allow man to perish in the deadly waters? Could there have been
a tense political situation on earth 
 before the Flood? Ancient texts recorded by the Sumerians describe
a time when the gods lived on 
 earth, and men dwelled within the cities of the deities as slave
laborers. Each deity lived in a precinct or territory, and resided over humans assigned to him as a “land
lord.” It would appear from certain 
 biblical texts (Hebrews 7:2-4), that some Elohim were still
managing the affairs of earth communities 
 during the time of Abraham, for he willingly tithed ten percent of
everything to Melchizadek - a being 
 described as being without father or mother, or even genealogy!
This peculiar being is described as 
 resembling a “son of God,” and continuing as a priest forever. Was
he a specially engineered being? A 
 clone perhaps? Conceived in a test tube using Nibiiian DNA, and
perhaps grown in some artificial 
 womb? It is interesting that this custom of tithing ten percent
was handed down to the Hebrews; and 
 later adopted by Christian churches. 92
    The Gods Fought for Political and Economic Control of Earth 

times these extraterrestrials fought amongst themselves for control of
territories, and 
 populations. This would have enabled them to become overlords of
vast economic systems. And more 
 specifically, for control of the vital spaceports that served as a
link between their planet and ours. 93 
 Obviously, he who
controlled the spaceport controlled earth - and exerted some authority over the
 world. When conflicts broke out, one district's god became the
adversary of the other. 94 Often, mortals 
 were employed in these
conflicts, lead by their particular god.” There are many ancient texts, as well
 biblical scripture
alluding to fierce warfare among the gods, including this Vedic Indian tale of

    " He whose arms bears the lightning, broke the way for us, killing
Vitra, who shut in the waters; 
 the beauteous Savitar, the god, who guides us on, following his
lead, we spread our waters wide. This 
 heroic deed be praised for evermore, that Indra did when he cut
the Serpent in pieces. With his 
 lightning he struck the robbers; the waters sped away hither they
longed to go." 96
the biblical world, each nation of the Near East had its own gods and
goddesses, and each had 
 their own domain. The world as it was known had been divided into
territories, and one’s first 
 allegiance was to the high god that ruled one’s immediate domain. 97 This is probably a direct imitation 
 of the situation before the Flood; since kings and priests were
ordered to rebuild the temples destroyed 
 by the Flood exactly as they had been before its coming. 98
    The Gods Developed System for Political Identification 

the Flood, with the proliferation of people, states and cities, it became
necessary to remind 
 humans who their particular overlord was. Many houses of worship
were set up, each containing the 
 correct likeness of the deity in charge, while cities were also
assigned a symbol of sign, in order for 
 mortals to easily differentiate one from another. 99 A
human associated his god with that symbol in an 
 attempt to prevent the
“following after of other gods” that irritated the God of the Old Testament so 
 much. Thus we have
reflected in

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