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Book: Tryst by Jordan Silver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jordan Silver
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barely a year older than she was, and I was somebody’s daughter too ya know. Though my dad wouldn’t have given me a second’s thought if it were he.
    I don’t have a grievance against his daughter or anything like that, that’s not what this is. But I was in love with him and to me it didn’t matter who didn’t like it, they should just get the hell over it already. It’s not like she’s five for heaven’s sake.
    But there was no use getting upset over it. I always did and then the alternative left me deflated. I couldn’t imagine being without him now, and I was too afraid to push for fear of losing the only good thing to have ever happened in my stupid life. On the bright side it wasn’t all- bad.
    All this sneaking around was fun in it own way I have to admit. I did enjoy the danger aspects of it, and I especially got a kick out of sneaking into his bed on those few occasions when Crystal had a sleepover.
    I think she almost caught us last night when she came to the door though after I’d been so loud. Just thinking about the danger of it all was making me wet and the feel if his sperm running out of my pussy was making me light headed. But that was nothing new. It seems in the weeks since we’d met and I’d given him my virginity I was in a constant state of arousal. The man could get me going with just the sound of his voice.
    He had fast become my addiction, my obsession, my everything. There was hardly a minute of any given day in the last few weeks that he wasn’t on my mind.
    I could hardly sit still some days while class was going on, because I knew that in just a few short hours he was going to be pounding away at my pussy. I get a kick out of sitting there amongst my peers studying algebra and lab while soaking my panties at the thought of what was coming.
    I think the fact that he wasn’t what he seemed had a lot to do with it too. Like the world saw him as this successful businessman, while I got to know the real man beneath the suits.
    I wanted that man, all of him. Not just his cock that I’d grown addicted to. Not just his mouth on my pussy; making me feel so good I’d already fainted twice, but the whole package.
    I wanted to wake up next to my man every morning and go to bed wrapped in his arms at night. The only time I felt safe anymore is when I was under him. Just being in the same room gives me a sense of security, because I know he truly loves me.
    I’m sure most people would call me a fool, they’d probably say he was using me, but I know what I know and we’re in love. I only have to go by the way he kisses me when he thinks I’m asleep, or the promises her makes then. Or the way his body trembles under my hand. I won’t say I control him with my pussy, but I know he’s about as addicted to it as I am to his dick.
    The nights were the worst. Not being with him then was about to drive me insane. Some nights I missed him so much I’d call him no matter what time it was and he’d sit up with me until I fell asleep on the line. He keeps telling me to wait so I will, I just hope it’s not much longer.
    The bell was about to ring for last class of the day. Crystal was staying after class for practice, he hadn’t said yes to meeting up later but he hadn’t said no either, so I was tempted. As much as we had come to mean to each other though I was still a little wary of overstepping.
    I wasn’t too fond of his belt or his hand on my ass, even though it was nothing like the whippings I used to get at home. No his whippings usually ended with a good hard fuck, and if he ever found out that I did half the shit I did just to feel the flat of his hand heating up my ass, they’d be hell to pay.
    I have to say in three weeks I think we’ve run the gamut. I don’t know if it’s because of our unusual arrangement or not, but I do know some people can go a lifetime and not share half of what we already have.
    Like the ass whipping and drilling in a public place. That shit

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