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Book: Tryst by Jordan Silver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jordan Silver
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with a bright future ahead of him.
    One teenage pregnancy later and those dreams were crushed and lives altered. For whatever reason those two miserable people had decided to get married, probably pressure from their parents. But it was the worse decision they could’ve ever made.
    That didn’t stop them from going on to have three more kids though, or from enjoying each other still if the sounds I heard coming from their bedroom some nights were any indication; gross.
    But I was never allowed to forget how I had destroyed their dreams, or how all their hopes now hung on me since apparently I owed them.
    Then the cheering thing became a bust even though coach said I could go the same route she did, but she’d cheered in college too; I knew it was over, but all was not lost, my grades weren’t anything to sneer at, so there was still the chance of a scholarship.
    The thing with Gabriel had started out of sheer overpowering physical attraction. I couldn’t have resisted him if I tried. That first day when he walked in the room looking all hot in his slacks, with his silk shirt opened to the third button and his sleeves rolled back showing the tattoo on his arm, my panties were instantly wet.
    Not even the jock had got me that hot and bothered when he’d touched me, and that was before my daddy had turned those jade colored eyes on me. I had a hard time keeping my thoughts to myself that day, and not giving it away to the others in the room.
    They were all twittering and acting like typical teens and I found myself becoming jealous. My face became flushed and for some reason I wanted his attention only on me. It didn’t enter my head that he was a grown man, I knew he wasn’t married, and he was so hot.
    I started doing stupid shit to get his attention, like splits and turns that I knew were moving my top in just the right way to show off my tits. I’d banded them a little to help the girls with their routine, but I knew they were still spectacular.
    When I realized that he was doing some looking of his own, that’s when I started plotting in my head. I’d only expected to have some fun with him, never once did I think that the strong pull I felt that day would lead to anything more than me losing my virginity and having some fun.
    I mean, why shouldn’t I? I’d heard the girls whispering and giggling about him, they all had crushes but were too chicken shit to do anything about it. Then again they were all a year younger than me and Crystal had them all in fear of retribution if they did anything more than looked. Even that she had warned them to keep to a minimum or they won’t be invited back. Funny, she never once warned me off.
    I hadn’t laid eyes on him until that day, but I’d heard plenty about him leading up to it. The talk was all about the hunky dad with the dreamy eyes and the hot bod. There were even some seniors who went by his construction sites to ogle him and not a few mothers who were vying to get into his bed.
    None of that mattered to me when he made my pussy twitch. I just knew that he was going to be the man to take my cherry and good riddance. At least it wouldn’t be a green boy who’d knock me up first chance because he didn’t know what he was doing.
    Of course Gabe and I had yet to use a condom or birth control of any kind and he knew I wasn’t on anything. Some days I was afraid of getting pregnant and some days I thought it was the best thing. Maybe then he won’t have a choice but to tell the world that he was mine.
    My mind came back full circle and I bit into my nails as I made my way back to the main road that would take me back to school just a few short blocks away. Lately, even though it hadn’t been that long since we’d found each other, I was beginning to get depressed on these walks after.
    I felt like he was putting someone else before me, even if that someone else was his daughter. Shouldn’t I deserve some of that same care and affection? After all I was just

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