to everyone.
It is what that individual does with his or her gift that
makes them stand out from everyone else. You can be
like so many other people and let your talent perish, or
you can be one of the chosen few who let it shine. It's
up to you. I've done my part."
"And what is that?"
"Recognizing your talent and sharing that gift
with you. You've been informed. If you decide to
take advantage of your talent, I'll be here whenever
you're ready."
"Thank you, but I better be going. My
boyfriend is waiting for me."
"I understand. Have a good weekend."
"You too."
"By the way... Happy Birthday."
Nichelle turned her head towards Mr. Chambers
and simply smiled before leaving his classroom.
With Carmelo still not saying more than a few words
to Nichelle the entire ride home, she replayed her
conversation with Mr. Chambers. For the first time
in so long, her self-esteem got a boost. And this
time it wasn't from some man making her feel cute
or sexy, it was because somebody saw something
that she never saw in herself-intelligence.
When Nichelle finally decided to write her
paper, she sat for hours, unable to put down
one word. It wasn't that her mind wasn't full of
thoughts; it was that she was afraid to free those
thoughts. But once she did, her words flowed and
filled the papers. It was easy for Nichelle to relate
to the young girl's emotions, because they were all
hers too. To have somebody else, like her teacher, acknowledge how deep those feelings went, made
the pain Nichelle struggled through to put them
into words worthwhile.
"I knew yo' ass would be back up in here sooner
or later. Hmph! You always complained this place wasn't
good enough for you, but here you are."
"Ma, I don't need to hear this from you right
now," Tierra gasped, as she placed some of her
boxes against the wall in the hallway and tossed
her bags into her old bedroom.
"Well, you gon' hear it. You and these fast
ass girls always trying to find the easy way out.
Messing around with these no good men who
pushing drugs, killing off our own race. . .for what?
So you can ride around in expensive cars that ain't
yours, and wear some overpriced clothes that ain't
even worth the fabric it was made from. You hardheaded women gotta learn the hard way."
"Can you save that preaching for somebody
that cares, `cause I don't."
"And that's why you back in this tiny ass
apartment with me now, because you don't care
about nobody but yourself."
"That's not true. I always tried to hit you
off and help you out when I used to have money rolling in, but you didn't want none of it. That wasn't
my fault."
"Why in the hell would I want some money
you earned from laying on your back? I didn't raise
you to be that way-greedy and materialistic. Even
with you getting evicted from your apartment, car
repossessed, not a dime to your name, you still
can't see that money made the easy way don't
never last."
"Trust me, wasn't nothing easy about how I got
that money. I earned every cent, having to deal with
the knuckleheads I came across. But yeah, right now
I'm going through a tough time, but trust me, I'll be
back on top of my game and out of your house."
Tierra's mother shook her head in disgust.
"Child, this trife life that you living will catch up
with you sooner or later. That I can guarantee you,"
she warned, pointing her finger at her daughter.
Tierra stared at her mother, undeterred by her
words. She knew the woman who raised her meant
well, but having money in her pocket meant more.
"Ma, I don't want to argue with you. I
appreciate you letting me stay here until I get back
on my feet. Can we please end it there? I have a lot
of unpacking to do."
"I'm done. If you need some help, let me
know. And Tierra..."
"Yes?" Tierra sighed, feeling like her mother
was about to go in for round 2.
"You're welcome to stay as long as you like.
It may not be some expensive loft, but it will always
be your
Ian Rankin
Monica Alexander
Deryn Lake
David Bernstein
Raen Smith
Patrick Touher
Lisa Childs
Breanna Hayse
Dalton Fury
Michael Boatman