The Werewolf's Mate

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Book: The Werewolf's Mate by C.A. Salo Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.A. Salo
Tags: Erotic Romance/Paranormal
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laughed, before kissing her on the nose.
    “Oh please,” she scoffed. “I’ve
been thinking about you for nine years.”
    “Ah, so you couldn’t get me
out of your head?” Tilting his head, he met her gaze with a smile. “You knew we
were meant to be together just like I did.”
    “Yes, I felt the connection,
but I was still scared, Drake.”
    “I know, baby.” Wrapping his
arms more securely around her, they laid back down on the forest floor. “I don’t
ever want you to feel scared again. If something bothers you, I want you to
promise me that you’ll tell me and not hold it in.”
    “I will tell you. Besides I
don’t think I’ll be able to keep anything from you now.”
    “I didn’t think the mind
marking was going to be so—deep I guess is the word I’m looking for.”
    “I could see your whole past,
even the years I wasn’t here, and I felt what you were going through.” Her hand
lifted, laying palm down against his heart. “I’m so sorry, Drake; I never meant
to hurt you like that when I disappeared.”
    “And I never meant for you to
be so afraid and scared. By the Gods, I wish we could change it all.”
    “No.” Lifting her head, she
met his gaze. “For if we change what’s happened, then we would’t be the people
we are today.”
    “So true, my little Fae.” His
hand wrapped around the back of her neck, gently bringing her down until their
lips touched. Drake’s head went back quickly as Daddy screamed across
his mind.
    “Livi,” Kalana gasped.
    “You heard that?”
    “I heard ‘Mamma’. I’ve never
heard her before, Drake. What’s going on?”
    “I don’t know.” Slapping his
hand over her mouth, he mind spoke with his security team. “Hush, woman, my
cousin Ken’s there, he says there’s no danger but…”
    “But what?” she mumbled
behind his hand.
    “We should get back
    “How are we going to do that?
We’re still attached.”
    “I can carry you and run.”
    “Are you crazy?”
    “Evan’s on his way back now, as
he heard her cry as well.” Moving to sit on his knees, he wrapped her legs
around his waist.
    “But that means…”
    “That she can mind speak. Now
wrap your arms around my neck and hold on; we only have a few more minutes and
should be able to dislodge by the time we arrive.”
    “Drake, this is craz-zy-y,”
she yelped as he took off quickly, folding her wings down so they didn’t flap
in his face.
    Drake ran through the forest,
his feet barely touching the ground, arms wrapped around her so she didn’t
    “We can’t let Livi see us
attached; we’re her parents and she’s too young. She shouldn’t know this stuff
    “I know that. We’ll think of
something and I’m pretty sure she knows more about sex than we think she does.”
Drake saw Evan coming from the other end of the wooded area with Sophia carried
in the same manner and chuckled. “We’re not the only ones still attached.”
    “Damn you Roven men,” she
mumbled, turning back into his neck.
    “We’re almost there.”
    “And detaching.”
    Drake felt what she did—his
cock sliding easily from within her warmth just as they reached the doorstep.
    “We’re still attached. Go,”
Evan said as he headed the other way.
    Drake lowered Kalana to the
floor, grabbing two robes from his security detail and wrapped one around her
as they headed to the library. His eyes widened at the vision in front of him.
“Holy shit.”
    “Oh my God, is that Livi?”
    Drawing his robe on, he moved
around the table to the small wolf sitting by Mari. “Yes.” He smiled as he
knelt in front of her; she was the exact replica of him in wolf form. “Can
you hear me?” he asked with mind speak.
    “Yes. This is so cool,
huh, Dad!”
    “What happened?” he asked then looked up at Kalana. “Babe, I can’t
speak with her while you’re talking behind me. I know you’re anxious to know
what’s going on, but just hold on a moment.” When she nodded her head,

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