The War at the Edge of the World

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Book: The War at the Edge of the World by Ian Ross Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ian Ross
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wool and leather, but he felt invigorated by the morning’s march. The muscles of his legs were hard and strong, and he relished the prospect of another three hours on the road. Glancing over at his men, he was glad to see that they were eager too. They spilled into the river, shouting and kicking up spray.
    Strabo was a different matter. The little secretary sat on a flat stone, pulling his boots off and examining his blisters.
    ‘Better to keep them on,’ Castus told him. ‘They’ll hurt more later, otherwise.’
    ‘Too late,’ Strabo said, before coming over and sitting beside the centurion. Together they ate cheese and hardtack and drank the watery vinegar wine, as the sound of splashing water and laughter came from the river.
    ‘They appear so young, your soldiers,’ the secretary said, squinting at the men in the water.
    ‘Eighteen, the youngest,’ Castus told him. ‘Couple more nineteen.’
    ‘And yet we train them to fight and to kill, and send them off to die for our empire…’
    Castus paused, mid-chew, and stared at the man beside him. What could be wrong with that?
    ‘How old were you, centurion,’ Strabo asked, ‘when you first killed a man?’
    Castus swallowed. ‘Sixteen or so,’ he said. ‘At least, I thought I’d killed him. Hit him over the head with an ironbound bucket and he went down like a sacrificial ox. It was half a year before I found out that he wasn’t dead after all…’
    Strabo had a pained expression on his face. He shook his head sadly. Castus just shrugged – he had not mentioned that the man he had hit with the bucket was his own father. He had been in Troesmis, a hundred miles down the Danube, and already signed up with II Herculia before he met a man from his home town who told him that the old man had survived. Good thing too – patricide was a terrible crime before the gods. Even so, he had never made any attempt to seek forgiveness.
    The two men sat in silence as they finished their meal. The soldiers were climbing from the river and running on the bank to dry off. Castus wondered if Strabo had taken offence at his remarks – he had no desire to drive the man away from him, and still had much he wanted to learn.
    ‘You were telling me about the Picts,’ he asked.
    ‘Oh, yes – I’m sorry…’
    ‘After this man Marcellinus made his treaties and pacts and so on with them, what happened?’
    ‘Yes, well. After the murder of Carausius, and the arrest of Marcellinus, the Picts believed that the treaties were invalid. When Constantius regained the province, he found that the Picts were once again raiding along the northern borders. In addition, a number of… shall we say renegades , officers of the former regime whose loyalties placed them beyond pardon, had fled into barbarian country and taken shelter there. These men were now aiding and directing the Picts in their assaults upon our territories.’
    Castus sucked breath through his teeth. He had known of deserters from the legions, or criminals, crossing over to the barbarians. But never of Roman officers doing it. ‘Treasonous bastards,’ he said.
    ‘Absolutely treasonous, yes. But for them, you see, the Picts were their only refuge. They hoped, I suppose, to regain their former lands and wealth with a Pictish army to support them. One can only marvel at their stupidity!’
    ‘Something like that,’ Castus said grimly. Once, in Persia, they had captured an enemy town and found three men with the garrison, former legionaries taken prisoner who had gone over to the Persians to save their skins. The men had been crucified on the walls that evening, and nobody had grieved for them. Traitors were no better than vermin.
    ‘Anyway, faced with this threat, the Caesar Constantius in his great wisdom sent his Praetorian Prefect against the barbarians, assisted by Aelius Marcellinus. Between them they managed to repel the attacks and reimpose peace along the border. Marcellinus, by force and persuasion,

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