Deagol are a part of the text B as written, and show that the passage (pp. 23-4) concerning the murder of Deagol was inserted before this version was completed.
13. In the original story in The Hobbit it was only when Gollum came back from his island in the lake, where he had gone to get the 'present', that Bilbo learnt - from Gollum's 'tremendous spluttering and whispering and croaking' - about the ring and that it had been a birthday present; see note 10.
14. The change noted in VI.320, whereby Gandalf ceases to be the one who actually tracked Gollum down, belongs to this 'fourth phase'.
15. Above -ruin was pencilled -naur, sc. Orodnaur.
16. In the draft revision A of this passage Faramond is called
'Faramond II and the heir apparent'; cf. VI.251, where Faramond's precursor Frodo Took is called 'Frodo the Second... the heir and rather desperate hope of the Hole of Took, as the clan was called.'
17. In the draft revision A at this point 'Ham (that is Hamilcar)' was replaced by 'Freddy (that is Fredegar)', but Ham/Hamilcar was then restored. Cf. the note dated August 1939 given in VI.373:
'Odo > Fredegar Hamilcar Bolger'.
18. In the genealogy in LR, Appendix C, Gaffer Gamgee was 92, and he died at the age of 102.
19. Neither Budgeford nor Bridgefields appear on my father's original map of the Shire (frontispiece to Vol. VI). On my large map of the Shire made in 1943 (VI.107) both names were lightly pencilled in by him, Budgeford being the crossing of the Water by the road (pencilled in at the same time) to Scary. See note 22.
20. The second version stands as the opening of a chapter, numbered
'X' and without title (corresponding to the 'second opening' of Chapter XI 'A Knife in the Dark' in FR, after the 'Crickhollow episode'); the third likewise, but numbered 'XI' (because by then the 'Bree' chapter had been divided, see p. 40), and with an erased title 'The Way to Weathertop'.
21. In some rough chronological workings there is a reference to Gandalf's being besieged in 'the West Towers', which is what Trotter called the Elf-towers in VI.155, 159.
22. Hamilcar's family now comes from Bridgefields in the Eastfar-thing. Budgeford was written in later, perhaps much later. See note 19.
Chapter IX: 'At the Sign of the Prancing Pony (i).
The Cow Jumped over the Moon'.
The 'third phase' version of this chapter (VI.331 ff.) had been developed in two forms, in the first of which the story of the coming of Gandalf and Odo to Bree was told by Butterbur, while in the second (the 'red version' as my father called it) it was told by the narrator (VI.344 - 7); and in the second the coming of the four Riders to the west gate of Bree on the evening of Wednesday 28 September was described (VI.347 - 8). The already complex manuscript was then used for a rough, drastic recasting of the narrative, the 'blue version' (see VI.343): this belongs with the new plot, and all reference to a visit of Gandalf to Bree in the days immediately preceding Frodo's arrival is cut out. A 'blue' rider to the original 'third phase' manuscript is written on the back of a calendar page for September 1939.
So far as it went, this was effectively a draft ('A') for a new version of this always crucial chapter; and in this case my father set aside the now chaotic 'third phase' manuscript entirely (though taking from it the pages containing the text of The Cat and the Fiddle), and it got left behind in England many years later; the 'fourth phase' version is a new manuscript ('B'), and this went to Marquette. Notably, this bears a date on the first page: 'Revised Version Oct. 1939'.
It remained at this time a single, very long chapter, extending through FR Chapter 10 'Strider'; but my father decided (doubtless on account of its length) to divide it into two chapters, 'IX' and 'X', both called 'At the Sign of the Prancing Pony', but with sub-titles; and these names remained for a long time.
Bella Jewel
Andrea Barrett
Crais Robert
Mark R. Levin
Bobby Flay
Tia Louise
L.U. Ann
Trouble on Titan
Elaine Barbieri
Maddy Edwards