is a trail of hurting and traumatized people left in their wake, and there is stubborn refusal to attempt reconciliation unless it suits their purpose; they become defensive when confronted because they see confrontation as rejection; they will viciously oppose and attack anyone who confronts them; and they refuse to repent. [1]
"Because this is a religious spirit, the victim is usually blinded to their sin. They can pray beautiful prayers and are often given prophetic words and spiritual insight; but the prayers are actually a religious front for manipulation, and the prophetic words and insight, even if they quote scripture, are based on false demonic knowledge. Witchcraft."
Nicole thought about the ways this spirit attached to people. "You mentioned that the Jezebel spirit was attracted to wounded people, and I'm also thinking that generational lines are another major factor in transference.
"In the situation I just described, Aubrey's personality suddenly changed when her mother died. There had been no relationship between them for many years until her mom was on her deathbed. Because she had always desired her mother's love, Aubrey formed a relationship with her in the last months of her life. Soon after the mother's death, Aubrey began to take on her mother's nature which has continued to dominate her, and she's even begun to exhibit some of the same physical problems her mother had!"
Casie said, "It sounds like Aubrey opened herself up to her mother's demons because of her wounded soul and the desire for her mother's love. This is why it is so important for people's broken hearts to be healed. Pain distorts reality and the deception and manipulation is not easily discerned. The spiritual blindness and desire for hope of unfulfilled love opens the door for the devil. In this case, it looks like Belial may have opened the door for the Spirit of Jezebel."
Casie stood up and stretched, then said, "Death is not the only way the spirit can be transferred though. Jezebel will claim the unborn child of a pregnant woman who is dominated by it so that the child will be raised up under its influence from birth. Aubrey may have even been under its influence from conception without recognizing it, which would have been an open door to receiving the demons that left her mother upon her death."
"Wow. This just strengthens my belief in the importance of dedicating our babies to the Lord Jesus from the moment of conception, and of making sure that ungodly soul ties have been severed," Nicole said as her thoughts moved on.
"The woman Jezebel in the Bible was married to the king of Israel. He should have been the one in power, but as it turned out, Ahab basically handed his power and authority over to her through his tolerance for and love of sin along with his complacent spirit. Do you think that is relevant in the spiritual sense as well?"
"Totally," Casie agreed as she sat back down on the bench beside Nicole. "This is why husbands, parents, pastors, leaders and bosses need to take their positions of authority very seriously. Behind every Jezebel spirit, there is an Ahab spirit; someone who should be leading but has knowingly or unknowingly given that authority over to a controller and manipulator."
"So women need to be on guard against Jezebel spirits and men against Ahab spirits?" Nicole questioned.
"Well, in a sense. It seems that human nature under the curse works out that women tend to usurp men's authority and men tend to let them, but that doesn't mean that only men are vulnerable to Ahab and women to Jezebel."
Casie explained, "The open door for the Ahab spirit is usually complacency or laziness…taking the easy way out. It is rooted in lack of love for God, or a greater love for something or someone other than God, such as in a 'people pleasing' mentality. Those who are vulnerable to this spirit are easily seduced and readily give in. Any person who abandons their
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