The Renegades 2 Aftermath (A Post Apocalyptic Zombie Thriller)

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Book: The Renegades 2 Aftermath (A Post Apocalyptic Zombie Thriller) by Jack Hunt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jack Hunt
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few days ago. Thankfully they never made it to the storage area. There’s an axe down there, bowie knives, a pump-action shotgun, three boxes of shells. I’m sure you’ll be able to find some ammo for the assault rifles and well… just go take a look.”
    Baja, Specs, and Ralphie strolled off to see what could be used.
    While Benjamin continued to show Johnny a few of the routes, I went over to Izzy. She was going through her regular routine of checking the ammo in the two handguns we had.
    “How many bullets?” I asked.
    “Let’s hope there’s more in storage.”
    She nodded.
    “How you doing?”
    I cleared my throat and took a seat beside her. It had been a long time since we had made time to talk to each other.
    “I’ve been meaning to say—”
    “Don’t,” she cut me off before I could finish. “The past is the past.”
    I shrugged. Clearly she wasn’t interest in rehashing the past. “Right.”
    She had good reason to be angry. I got up and walked away thinking about what had led up to this. Before I had left for the military, things were good between us.
    I know I should have told her sooner about enlisting, but I didn’t. She didn’t find out until a week before boot camp. She had been going through a lot with her family and had almost become dependent on having me around. Though she won’t admit that.
    Telling her about the military was like dropping a bomb. She didn’t handle it well. That’s when the blame game started. I was responsible for everything that was going wrong in her life. Up until that point we had been together for four years. It had always been us. I knew she wouldn’t have coped even if I had told her earlier — that’s why I held back.
    It didn’t help that a rumor was circulating around that I had found someone else. That wasn’t true but it was the final nail in the coffin. Besides a few offhand comments we hadn’t spoken since. I figured that wouldn’t change.
    B aja burst into the room wearing a bandolier of bullets across his chest and waving two handguns.
    “Ay, amigos.”
    He was pumping the air with two CZ P-09s when one of them went off. A few chunks of ceiling tile dropped.
    “Shit,” Baja said, with a face now covered in white dust.
    “Where the hell did you get this guy from?” Benjamin asked.
    “He’s special,” Dax replied.
    “Yeah. I figured. You might want to confiscate the guns from him before he shoots himself.”
    Ralphie came back with his arms full of ammo boxes, and an axe strapped to his back. Specs crept around the corner with a crossbow.
    “That’s mine,” Jess hollered. He tossed her the crossbow.
    “I’ll take the shotgun,” I approached Specs who had strapped it to his back.
    “Dude, I want this,” Specs said, reluctant to give it up.
    “Yeah, right.”
    Specs shook his head and handed it over. It was a Benelli SuperNova Tactical Pump-Action Shotgun. It was as slick as shit. I held it up and peered down the sight.
    “How many does it hold?”
    “Four, two and three-quarter shells,” Specs rattled off the details as if he had been part of the manufacturing of the damn thing.
    “Any handguns?” Dax asked.
    “Take your pick,” Ralphie returned from another trip out back and slid a box full of various pieces across the floor. Dax took out a couple of Sig Sauers.
    “Don’t take them all. I’m gonna need some,” Benjamin added.
    “Right, but if you come with us...”
    “Like I said. I go it alone.”
    “Your funeral, man,” Baja replied.
    “And knives?”
    Specs tossed a Swiss Army knife to Dax and was about to show more when Baja stopped him with a hand on his arm. “Please. Allow me.”
    He crouched down over a box. He wrapped a piece of rag around his head. Seconds later he came up holding two huge bowie knives and spoke in a shit Australian accent.
    “That ain’t a knife, this is a knife.”
    “Okay, I don’t know whether to shoot him or find the nearest mental hospital and

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