soon reach the crest and stare down on a sight that sends a shiver down your spine.
Turn to 24 .
As you look all around, your eyes come to rest on a large cask, one of many that line the opposite wall. However, whereas all the others have small puddles of ale on the ground beneath their wooden taps, the large cask in the middle is perfectly clean, as if it had never been used. You twist the wooden tap, but instead of a stream of ale pouring out, there is a dull click , and the entire circular front of the cask swings open to reveal a secret portal and a stairway descending into darkness.
You exchange glances with Paido and then follow him as he makes his descent into the unknown.
Turn to 259 .
A blinding pain rips through your chest, making you scream out. The room spins before your eyes as you gasp for air, and the pain drags you to the floor. Suddenly you feel no more — the pain has gone and with it the last beat of your punctured heart.
Your life and your quest end here.
The great snake flicks its tongue and lunges forward, intent on consuming you both in its massive jaws.
Silver Swamp Python: COMBAT SKILL 20 ENDURANCE 60
Owing to the swiftness of its attack, you do not have time to use a bow. Unless you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Curing and have reached the rank of Primate, double all ENDURANCE point losses you sustain during the combat, due to the snake's venomous bite.
If you win the combat, turn to 62 .
You sense that your wound has become infected with korovax bacillus, which infest the soil of northern Talestria. Talestrian korovax is a virulent disease — only your Kai skill is delaying its swift and terrible effect. Unless you treat the wound within two days with Tincture of Oxydine or Oede herb, the muscles of your chest wall will suffer uncontrollable spasms. Then the inability to control your breathing will kill you within minutes. (If you possess either the Tincture or the herb, you may use it immediately to cure the korovax infection.)
Owing to loss of blood you must now reduce your ENDURANCE by a further 6 points before continuing your ride to Tharro.
Turn to 318 .
As you fight, the Vordak succeeds in driving its black steel sword through the side of the ship's pressure tank. A blast of liquid gas hisses from the hole, freezing the Vordak in its petrifying spray. From above comes a stream of blue fire that ignites the escaping gas. There is a flash, and in a fraction of a second, the Levitron is transformed into a colossal ball of flame.
Your life and your quest end here.
The numbing cold robs you of the speed and strength needed to fight this evil enemy: lose 5 ENDURANCE points.
Suddenly a wave of heat awakens your senses. Paido has summoned fire to his aid, wafting a sheet of flame down upon the spiders that are closing in for the kill. They flare brightly, their legs withering in the flames, their crackling black bodies dropping to the floor and crumbling to dust. Kezoor shrieks in frustration. He draws his sword before his face and mouths a silent spell of protection before lowering his blade and pointing it towards your chest.
He is immune to Mindblast and Psi-surge. You may reduce by half any ENDURANCE point losses you sustain during the combat as Paido fights by your side, receiving half Kezoor's blows.
If you win the combat, turn to 46 .
The Xlorg gurgles its last breath and falls dead, writhing briefly in the mud before becoming still with an uncanny abruptness. You turn to Paido and drag him away from the pool's edge, where his bleeding arm is attracting a crawling horde of hungry leeches.
You leave the pool and press on along the muddy trail, glancing back once. No sign remains of the dead Xlorg; their bodies have already been claimed by the creatures of the pool.
Turn to 192 .
Your Arrow glances off the leader's bronze helmet and arcs harmlessly into the sky. He
E.M. Bridger
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Mary Jane Clark
Samantha Doyle
Becky Wilde
Janel Gradowski
Peter Handke
Stephen A. Bly
Erich von Däniken
Lexxie Couper