The Debt 8 (Club Alpha)

Read Online The Debt 8 (Club Alpha) by Kelly Favor - Free Book Online

Book: The Debt 8 (Club Alpha) by Kelly Favor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kelly Favor
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amused at her
continued confusion.
    “Jake, stop messing with me.”   She felt her cheeks flush as the reality
of the whole thing hit her full force.
    “I want you to do something now, and promise
me you won’t freak out and faint or anything,” Jake said, still smiling.
    “I can’t promise that.   I already feel weak in the knees.”
    “Come on,” he said, grabbing her lightly
by the arm and leading her back inside.   “Let’s get you out of the bright sun, and inside where you can sit down
and have a glass of water.”
    She walked in, and actually it was no
joke.   She needed Jake’s steady arm
to support her, because this was all too much.   Jake was being real with her—she
was actually the manager of the biggest musical act on the planet right now.
    “I’m calming down,” she lied, trying to
control her breathing as Jake helped her sit at the kitchen table.
    “Let me grab you a cup of water,” Jake
told her, and returned moments later with a cold glass filled with ice and pure
cold liquid.
    She guzzled for a long moment, letting it
hit her throat, and then she sighed and put it down on the table.   Raven closed her eyes and then opened
them again.   “I think I’m doing
better now.”
    “Good,” Jake said.   He left the room and came back a minute
later with his laptop and placed it in front of her.   “Mack’s going to be releasing my single
on iTunes later today,” he said.   “Things
are about to get even crazier.   You
know that, right?”
    “I thought you were trying to help me
calm down, not make me faint,” she said, keeping her voice steady.
just a car.   Okay, an expensive
car.   But nothing’s changed.   I don’t even need to drive it if I don’t
want to.
    “I want you to log into your bank
account,” Jake said softly, but his voice was firm.   His eyes were watching her intently.
    “Why?” she demanded.
    “Because, you need to check your account, Raven .”
    “Jake, you better not have done anything
crazy. That car is enough.”
    “Log in, babe.”   He pushed the laptop towards her
    She did as he told her, and now her hands
were really shaking.   She knew that
something big was coming, but as her account popped up, nothing could have
prepared her for how big it was going to be.
    Raven sat and stared at the screen,
dumbfounded.   “That’s a mistake,”
she said, her voice sounding distant to her own ears.
    “That’s your commission on my advance,”
Jake said.   “It’s standard.”
    “It can’t be.   I—I can’t accept this, Jake.”
    “You don’t really have a choice,” he
chuckled.   “That’s the manager’s
cut.   It wouldn’t be right for me to
keep that money.”
    “But nothing.   You earned that money fair and
square.   You were the one who kicked
that imbecile Hec out of the session and helped me get my head screwed on
straight, convinced me to record my songs the right way.   You sat there and acted as my ears in
the studio, talked me through my own bullshit and got me to let loose and
really commit to the work.   And
you’re the one who made sure that song found the light of day, and that’s the
only reason Mack Zee ever contacted me in the first place.”
    Even though Raven knew everything Jake
said was the truth, she still couldn’t fathom what she was seeing on the laptop
    The most recent deposit into her checking
account was for the tidy sum of four million dollars.  
    It boggled the mind, literally.   “I don’t know what to say.”   Tears sprang to her eyes as she realized
what this meant for her and her family.   Not only would she be able to provide for herself into the distant
future, but she’d be able to help her mother and father and Danny too.
    “You don’t need to say anything,” Jake
said, rubbing her back.   “I’m the
one who needs to say that I love you, and I owe you my life.   You helped me to get out from under

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