“ Yes, we are,” I snapped in a tone that can only be described as my mother . I didn’t like being tricked and I didn’t know this guy from anyone. What if he was a murderer? The only people who even knew I was out with him had taken off for the night to protect my lie. My dad was going to kill me if this guy killed me first… or whatever.
“No.” He glanced my way again as he reached for the knob on the radio to turn up the classic rock song that hummed in the background, oblivious to the inner turmoil that was wreaking havoc on my stomach. “We’re not. Besides, it probably won’t even be open by the time we get there.”
“Um…” I reached forward, feeling dwarfed as I struggled to reach the volume knob against my seatbelt that had locked and turn the music back down. “No. We are going to the mall.”
“Ugh… My uncle warned me you were sheltered.”
“Wait… Daven said that about me ?” The thought of our one neighbor who actually talked to me like I was a human being saying something like that stung, partly because I knew it was true. That was the entire reason behind me wanting to meet Kaden. I wanted to live a little, just not in a get yourself kidnapped by the crazy hot neighbor kind of living. For the first time since I’d noticed Kaden, I began to wonder what brought him to Daven’s house to begin with. No mother I knew was ever excited about shipping their child off to live with someone else, especially not to a small backwoods town like DeRidder. No, this had to be a punishment of sorts. But why? The stories I’d concocted in my head could rival the plots of my favorite novels. One day I would jot them all down and live out my dream of becoming a mysterious recluse, just like the authors in the movies. That is if this stupid boy didn’t leave my body for the gators first.
“He did. I should have listened.” His tone was playful but the look in his eye was menacing. He enjoyed teasing me and the more I showed how much it bothered me, the worse it would get. My nerves began firing off in rapid succession. I could feel the panic heat my belly and spread throughout my limbs and I knew one of my attacks was imminent. My mind went to the medicine cabinet in the bathroom. I wished I’d thought ahead to bring a purse. I really had become my mother.
“This isn’t funny, Kaden. Just… just pull over and let me out. I’ll call my brother to come get me.”
“You can’t be serious.”
“As a heart attack.”
August 6, 2015
Slowing down, I pulled off to the side of the nearly desolate highway and put the car into park before turning to face Lila. She didn’t know what had happened to Taylor and I had no right to hold her accountable for saying something she couldn’t possibly know would get under my skin but that didn’t mean I wouldn’t . I never thought of myself as a bad person but losing Taylor had caused me to lose something else… myself. I was colder now.
“Heart attacks aren’t funny. You not getting to shop and spend Daddy’s money is not life or death. I knew you were sheltered but spoiled too? Not very redeeming qualities and you should have at least a few if you’re going to dress like that .” I scanned her cream-colored dress and leather boots that probably cost more than everything I’d owned combined. She looked like she’d stepped off the pages of a magazine but it wasn’t a compliment. She put too much effort into her appearance and it made me uncomfortable. I felt dirty just sitting next to her in my well-worn jeans and threadbare t-shirt. The difference in our social status was abundantly clear and it only fueled my hatred for the privileged.
I was being an asshole and I knew I should have stopped my mouth from running but all of the anger I’d carried around with me since I’d lost Taylor was boiling below the surface and I never wasted a moment to let it erupt. I could see Lila pressing herself further into the
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