The Conquering Tide

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Book: The Conquering Tide by Ian W. Toll Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ian W. Toll
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aboard the Lexington.
Official U.S. Navy Photograph.

    A Curtiss SB2C Helldiver enters the Yorktown ’s landing pattern, circa June–July 1944.
U.S. National Archives.

    Army reinforcements wade ashore on Saipan, June or July 1944.
U.S. National Archives.

    A marine discovers a Japanese family hiding in a cave on Saipan, June 21, 1944.
U.S. National Archives.

    SB2C Helldivers return to the Yorktown after a raid in the Marianas in early July 1944.
U.S. National Archives.

    Admiral Spruance and Lieutenant General Holland M. Smith, USMC, at a flag-raising ceremony at Smith’s headquarters on Saipan, marking the end of organized Japanese resistance on the island, July 10, 1944.
Official U.S. Navy Photograph.

    Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text
    Page numbers in italics refer to maps.
    Abe, Hiroaki, 69, 77
    Abe, Zenji, 450, 482, 483–84
    Adachi, Hatazo, 224
    Adak Island, U.S. airfield on, 227
    Admiralty Islands, 235, 242, 456
    King’s proposed Allied offensive in, 223–24, 232
    Advance Force, Japanese, 69, 77
    African Americans:
    and Espiritu Santo base, 15
    in San Francisco, 247–48
    Afrika Korps, 97
    Agano , 413
    A-Go battle plan, 447, 449, 451, 459
    Aikoku Maru , 407
    Ainsworth, Walden Lee “Pug,” 233
    Air Command Solomons (AIRSOLS), 222–23, 231, 236, 237, 238, 419, 420
    aircraft carriers:
    changing tactics of, 387
    Combat Information Centers in, 369, 371, 387
    conservative deployment of, 373
    CVEs, 301
    Essex -class, 301–2, 313, 328, 428
    in GALVANIC , 340–42
    Japanese night attacks on, 373
    in Marshall Islands campaign, 373–74
    new methods for resupply of, 387
    strategic role of, 59, 60
    vulnerability of, 59
    see also specific ships and task forces
    Aircraft Central Pacific, 333
    Air Group Five, 330
    Akagi , 9
    Akigumo , 153
    Alabama , 478
    Alameda Naval Air Station, 246
    Alamo Force, 240
    Albacore (submarine), 484–85
    Aleutian Islands:
    air war in, 226–27
    Japanese forces in, 225–31
    Japanese supply convoy for, 228
    submarine warfare in, 227, 229
    Allied conference (August 1943), 436–37
    Allied Naval Forces, Southwest Pacific Area (SWPA), 218
    Casablanca conference of, 10, 307–11
    Germany-first strategy of, xiii, 10–11, 93, 94, 127–29, 307–8, 310–11
    London conference of, 95
    Quebec conference of, 235
    unconditional Japanese surrender demanded by, 537
    Washington conference of (1942), 95
    Washington conference of (1943), 312
    Amatsukaze , 76, 78
    Amchitka Island, 227
    Americal Division (U.S. Army), 134
    amphibious warfare, 17–18
    interservice rivalries and, 8–9
    marines’ experience in, 17–18, 322
    amtracs (LVTs), 347, 348, 351, 364, 390, 391–92, 400
    in Tarawa assault, 335
    Anderson, George W., 329
    Anderson , USS, 153
    Annapolis, see Naval Academy, U.S.
    antiaircraft fire, radar-directed, 369
    antisubmarine warfare (ASW), Japanese inattention to, 259, 282–83
    Anzai, Hitoshi, 524
    Aoba , 41
    Aola, Guadalcanal, xxiv, xxv, xxvii
    Apamama, 342
    Apra Harbor, 511, 512, 513, 516–17, 518, 519
    Arakawa, Hiroyo, 115
    Arashio , 225
    Arawe, New Britain, 240
    Archibald, Katherine, 248, 249
    Argenlieu, Georges Thierry d,’ 200
    Argonaut , USS, 251
    Argonne , USS, 125, 197, 199
    Ariyama, Sachi, 532
    Arizona , USS, 289, 290, 292
    Army, U.S., 500
    in interservice rivalries, 5–9, 158
    methodical tactics of, 395–96, 499
    see also specific units
    Army Air Forces, U.S. (USAAF), 6–7, 20, 56, 438
    exaggerated claims of, 158
    and Germany-first strategy, 127–28
    Navy rivalry with, 227, 324
    promotions in, 324
    Arnold, Henry “Hap,” 56, 125, 223, 324, 434, 438, 441
    Germany-first strategy backed by, 127–29, 157–58, 159
    King and, 437
    Arnold, Jackson D., 490
    Asahi Shinbun , 527, 529, 535
    Ashford, Bill, 198
    Ashizuri , 453
    Aslito Airfield,

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