beneath feverous folds, flashed cool in our white heat hungered and tasted and Gone to the movies baffling combustions are everywhere! like Gertrude Stein at Radcliffe, Patsy Padgett replete with teen-age belly! everyone’s suddenly pregnant and no one is glad! O wet kisses, the poem upon the page Can tell you about teeth you’ve never dreamed Could bite, nor be such reassurance! Babies are not Like Word Origins and cribbage boards or dreams of correspondence! Fucking is so very lovely Who can say no to it later? LV Grace to be born and live as variously as possible FRANK O’HARA Grace to be born and live as variously as possible White boats green banks black dust atremble Massive as Anne’s thighs upon the page I rage in a blue shirt at a brown desk in a Bright room sustained by a bellyful of pills “The Poems” is not a dream for all things come to them Gratuitously In quick New York we imagine the blue Charles Patsy awakens in heat and ready to squabble No Poems she demands in a blanket command belly To hot belly we have laid serenely white Only my sweating pores are true in the empty night Baffling combustions are everywhere! we hunger and taste And go to the movies then run home drenched in flame To the grace of the make-believe bed LVI banging around in a cigarette she isn’t “in love” She murmurs of signs to her fingers in my paintings for they are present The withered leaves fly higher than dolls can see What thwarts this fear I love Mud on the first day (night, rather gray his head goes his feet green Francis Marion nudges himself gently in the big blue sky Joyful ants nest on the roof of my tree I like to beat people up. Summer so histrionic, marvelous dirty days It is a human universe: & I sings like Casals in furtive dark July; Out we go to the looney movie to the make-believe bed LVII Patsy awakens in heat and ready to squabble In a bright room sustained by a bellyful of pills One’s suddenly pregnant and no one is glad! Aching to be fucked we fondle their snatches That the angels have supereminent wisdom is shown Days produce life locations to banish 7 Up A postcard of Juan Gris To swallow. Thus a man lives by his tooth. Buried his daddy and killed a many. Benito Mussolini The Asiatics Everything turns into writing And Gude is worrying about his sex life Each tree is introspection The most elegant present I could get LIX In Joe Brainard’s collage its white arrow does not point to William Carlos Williams. He is not in it, the hungry dead doctor. What is in it is sixteen ripped pictures Of Marilyn Monroe, her white teeth whitewashed by Joe’s throbbing hands. “Today I am truly horribly upset because Marilyn Monroe died, so I went to a matinee B-movie and ate King Korn popcorn,” he wrote in his Diary . The black heart beside the fifteen pieces of glass in Joe Brainard’s collage takes the eye away from the gray words, Doctor, but they say “ I LOVE YOU ” and the sonnet is not dead. LX old prophets Help me to believe New York! sacerdotal drink it take a pill Blocks of blooming winter. Patricia was a bed Patsy gone The best fighter in Troy Be bride and groom and priest: in pajamas Sweet girls will bring you candied apples! Drummer-boys and Choo-Choos will astound you! Areté I thus I Again I I An Organ-Grinder’s monkey does his