and said, “Well, I hope you guys have fun while you’re here in Alaska!” She turned to go back to her place at the bar, broke and defeated. Her feet felt as if they were drudging through a foot of mud on her way there when suddenly she heard Tall-and-Tattooed shout, “Hey! Where you going?”
Tarra turned around and he was waving her back to their table! She was ecstatic, but kept her cool as she returned.
“Yes? Can I help you, sir?” She said to him with a sly grin.
“We didn’t even get your name.” Tall-and-Tattooed said to her. When he said ‘we’, she was pretty sure that Hair Club was the one wanting to know, but he was too shy. Tarra gave them her name, the abbreviated version of it, of course. No need to confuse the gentlemen on their first meeting. She was pretty sure that Tall-and-Tattooed had given her fake names because he had introduced himself as “Fish” and his buddy, Hair Club, as “Stephen King.”
Tarra thought to herself; Wow, does this douchebag really think that I am such a primitive native inuit waaaayy up here in Alaska that I have never heard of Stephen King before? He was actually starting to piss her off, and she was about to get his goat.
Tarra sarcastically said to Stephen, “Wow, I really love your writing, Mr. King, I am such a huge fan!”
Fish knew he was busted, and interrupted, “It was just a joke. His name really is Stephen, though.”
Stephen, however, wasn’t done with the ruse yet. He looked at Tarra and said, “What was your favorite book of mine?”
“It’s a toss-up between The Stand or the Gunslinger series. But I am a fan of just about all of them. Which one did you enjoy writing the most, sir?”
Stephen was at a loss for second since she was still playing along, but quickly recovered. He replied, “All of them were fun, but I would have to say IT was the most fun.”
“ IT was the most fun!” Tarra exclaimed and clapped her hands. Fish looked confused.
“Yes, IT was the most fun!” Stephen added.
Fish, desperately trying to get in on the act, blurted, “I really liked your book Cujo .”
Tarra nodded and threw him a curveball, “So, if he’s such a good buddy of yours, name five other books that he wrote.”
Fish paused, since he was put on the spot, but came up with, “Oh, that’s easy. But, did you know that he actually wrote The Shawshank Redemption ? Most people don’t know that, they think it’s just a movie.” Fish proudly countered. He only knew that information because a few days prior they had played the movie on the USS Chandler’s site TV system, and Stephen had mentioned it to him during the show.
Tarra laughed and replied, “You mean Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption? It is one of his novellas from the Different Seasons collection.”
Stephen cocked his head with interest at her. This girl was smart, and she knew what she was talking about! She was a fellow Constant Reader!
Tarra and Stephen hit it off instantly. It was obviously apparent to her that between him and Fish, that he was the brains behind their whole little operation. Even though Fish was tall and attractive, nothing clicked with him like it did with Stephen. As the two talked, Fish told them he felt like a ‘third wheel’ and left the table to mingle it out with the rest of the crowd.
Stephen and Tarra talked and talked. He was able to ascertain that Tarra was dead broke, due to buying him and Fish the Ambers, so he went ahead and paid for all her drinks. Drink after drink after drink. They were having a great time! They were over an hour or so into their conversation, when Tarra’s so-called “boyfriend” staggered very drunk into the bar and spoke to Jessup.
She spotted him talking to the bartender and slunk in her chair as Jessup pointed her out through the crowd. Damnit! Not now, you bastard.
“What’s wrong?” Stephen asked.
“Nothing. Well,
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