The Butcher Beyond

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Book: The Butcher Beyond by Sally Spencer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sally Spencer
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figures in the press – as you might do in your own country – because the press is not free.’ He paused to light up a black cigarette. ‘Why do you think all foreign films are dubbed into Spanish, instead of merely having subtitles?’
    â€˜I don’t know.’
    â€˜Because some of the audience may understand English.’
    â€˜So what?’
    â€˜The censor does not want their minds polluted by foreign ideas. If a woman is a man’s mistress in an American film, she will become his niece in the Spanish version. Any scenes in which they make physical contact will simply be cut, in order to maintain that fiction. It will make a nonsense of the movie, of course, but at least it will keep our people pure.’
    â€˜You’re jokin’!’ Woodend said.
    â€˜I wish I were,’ Ruiz told him. ‘Even language is suppressed. The Basques and Catalans have their own languages, but they are not allowed to use them. Or to christen their children with Basque or Catalan names – the names they give them
be Spanish.’
    â€˜That’s incredible!’
    â€˜It affects football, too. Real Madrid is the regime’s favourite team. Barcelona is, for many, a symbol of Catalan nationalism. Once, when they were playing each other, the Guardia Civil visited the Barcelona team’s dressing room, and told the goalkeeper that if he played well, his brother, who was in prison for his political activities, would be made to suffer.’
    â€˜Why are you tellin’ me all this?’ Woodend asked.
    â€˜Because a man should never enter a darkened room without at least having some idea of what to expect in there. If you and I are to conduct an investigation – even an unofficial one – I would rather you started out with a true picture of the Spain in which we live.’
we goin’ to conduct an investigation?’ Woodend asked.
    â€˜That is entirely up to you, Señor Woodend.
shall certainly try to find out more, if I can.’
, exactly?’
    â€˜The American who we saw contact Holloway is called Mitchell – or, at least, that is what it says on his passport. Holloway was not the only man he saw last night, either. Later – though before Holloway was killed – he had a meeting in a quiet bar with a whole group of men.’
    â€˜I don’t see that’s particularly significant.’
    â€˜Then consider this. All the men were roughly the same age as Holloway and Mitchell.’
    â€˜A feller’s mates
tend to be the same age as he is.’
    â€˜And though the barman is convinced that they were all foreigners, they were talking to each other in
    â€˜Now that
interestin’,’ Woodend agreed. ‘Was our friend Holloway at this meetin’?’
    â€˜What makes you ask?’
    â€˜Because it strikes me that the piece of paper Mitchell gave him could have had directions on it.’
    â€˜That is true. And perhaps he
there. One of the men at the table may have been bald, but he was wearing a hat, and so the barman is not sure.’
    â€˜So do you think that one – or all – of these men was involved in Holloway’s death?’
    â€˜Not necessarily. But I certainly think Holloway’s death is connected with the reason they are all here.’
    Woodend nodded, then offered Ruiz a Capstan Full Strength. The Spaniard shook his head and reached for his own packet of black cigarettes.
    â€˜Before we go any further with this, I’d like to know what your interest in the case is,’ Woodend said.
    Ruiz took a long, reflective drag on his Celtas. ‘It is a long time since I have investigated a real crime. I miss it. Besides …’
    â€˜Besides what?’
    â€˜Tourism has become very important to the Spanish economy. Four years ago, we had four million visitors. This year, we are expecting
million. The death

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