touching the scar at his side, feeling the outline like I had done a million times with mine. A tingle spread across my palms and down my neck. Dash was thinking about me.
“ So this works both ways now, huh?” I cocked my head at the scar.
He nodded. “Apparently. Sylvia’s never seen it before, but somehow you marked me. Never knew it was possible.”
His look of pure amazement summed up exactly how I felt. I, a human, marked a wolf. This was an unexpected twist.
“ So I’ll always know when you’re thinking of me. I’ll feel it?”
“ Mhm.” He pondered that for a moment, not nearly as shocked by it as I was.
I scratched at my thumb nail. “So this also means you knew when I was thinking about you…and the emotion I was feeling at the time?”
Dash smirked up at me, a sexy part in his lips. “Every time.”
“ Well, damn.” That meant that along with the thousand angry thoughts I had towards Dash, he also knew about the ten thousand fantasies that included him.
From his sitting position, Dash put his arms around me and pulled me in between his legs. He rested his cheek against my stomach and held me. “If only you could have felt the times I rolled with your thoughts.”
Then he laughed to himself, his head bouncing against my abdomen. The image of him grabbing himself all too vivid.
“ So not fair.” I dropped to my knees and gripped him under his arms. “Now time to get in.”
I pulled him to his feet, Dash only wincing once. The wolf’s healing ability had all but closed his wounds and healed his spine. Sylvia suspected I transferred some of my energy to Dash with the mark, which is why he was able to even stand right now. I didn’t understand it and I honestly didn’t care to. Dash was alive and that’s what mattered to me.
I took my time unbuttoning his pants, making sure to slowly drag my hands against his legs and I slid them off. The tickle was back, only this time it was along my balls. The erection threatening to pop out of his boxers was a good indication as to what his thoughts consisted of. I pulled down the boxers.
“ Interesting.” I looked up at him over his length, his dark stare accompanying a lip bite. “What ever will I do with this?”
“ Can’t think of a single thing.” His voice the same temperature as the running water.
I stood up and Dash started to lift my shirt. “Nu-uh, mister. I’m taking care of you tonight. You just get in that shower.”
Dash narrowed his eyes for a moment and I knew he was contemplating the idea of giving control over to me. With his eyes on me, I took my time removing my clothes. Tingles erupted over my body, but the core of it nestled in my groin. Damn, I understood what he meant by going with the flow.
I stepped into the shower, pulling the curtain closed behind us. Dash and I held each other’s gazes for a moment, his giving me authority to take control and mine blazing with the promise that I would. I picked up the bar of soap and massaged circles into his chest. I worked my way lower, never breaking eye contact as the image of me on my hands and knees flashed through my mind.
Dash buckled and let out a moan.
Oh yeah, this whole being connected by supernatural scars thing was going to be fun.
“ Turn around.” My voice was heavy with command, but light with a surprise.
My hands scrubbed at his concrete shoulders and my eyes traveled the length of his body. The curve of his back led to twin dimples and an ass that begged to have teeth sunk into it. Powerful thighs turned into calves that could only have been handcrafted by God himself. The sight of him made my cock so tight it was almost painful. It pulsated and slapped against my skin.
Dash turned around and immediately began to kiss me.
His hands cupped my lower back and arched me into him. Wet and hungry, his tongue searched my mouth with desperation and I willingly accepted him. We pressed against the wall and I shoved my length deeper against him. His
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