away when he’s obviously coming over to talk to me and I’ve already seen him.
So Ree leaves with Sheila, and Danny comes over and he’s trying to play the part of See Look How Fabulously We Can Just Be Friends, but it comes off more like I Really Really Miss You. And I’m trying to make him feel better by asking him how things are going and about the election and he’s trying to act all casual and relaxed, but it’s just not working and I should have gone up to the roof. So I say I’m going up and does he want to come? But he doesn’t, so I go up alone.
The roof is amazing. You can see for miles up here, all the way to the end of Manhattan and across the water, and uptown to the Empire State Building, and it’s beyond overwhelming.
I go over to where Ree and Sheila are sitting on lounge chairs at the other side of the pool. And Sheila’s like, “Did you guys hear about Eliezer?”
We didn’t. So she fills us in on the latest gossip, which is that Eliezer blew up a condom and put it under Jackson’s chair in Web Design. Eliezer does things like this because he thinks they’re hilarious. When in fact it’s so sixth grade I can’t even. So then Ms. Zigman pitched a fit and totally called Eliezer out on how when he took a practice SAT he thought chicken coop was some type of co-op housing deal for upscale chickens. Which is a really sad commentary on how the SAT is totally unfair and favors suburban kids, but whatever. Ms. Zigman will do something extreme like that if you act like a child in her class, especially if you try to embarrass someone else.
So after a while Ree decides she’s leaving, which is totally disappointing but at least we got her out of the house for one night. So I hug her good-bye and tell her to call me if she needs anything.
It’s just so nice, sitting up here on the roof all peaceful. But then Brad shows up and Sheila leaves with him and I notice that he’s kind of demanding about it. But of course I don’t say anything because it’s none of my business. So I go back downstairs and notice Danny talking to James and Carl and Evan. There’s something about the way they’re talking, all conspiratorially and laughing. I don’t even know why or what it is about the way Danny’s talking and laughing with them, but it’s kind of obvious they’re all discussing some girl, and I want to know who she is and what he’s saying.
I kind of sneak up behind Danny so he doesn’t even know I’m there, and I position myself so it’s like I’m standing there listening to this other group instead of totally spying on Danny. If I could get away with recording the deets in my spy notebook, I definitely would. But when I hear her name, I wish I had never come over.
They’re not just talking about a girl. They’re talking about the girl. Marion Cross. The school überbabe. I’ll bet there’s not one boy in our school who doesn’t use her for nightly masturbation material. Naturally, she only dates college guys.
Anyway, I’m expecting to hear Danny laughing along with the others, like maybe one of them tried to ask Marion out or something equally ridiculous. But that’s not what’s going on. It sounds like they’re encouraging Danny to ask her out. But it’s hard to hear exactly.
Evan goes, “A score for you would be a score for the entire junior class.”
And Carl’s like, “Hell yeah!”
Danny’s all, “Never say never, that’s my motto.”
It’s like I can believe it but I can’t believe it. Why is he even interested in her? I mean, okay, duh , I get it, but already? It’s like he couldn’t wait to get away from me so he could hit on her. And Ree keeps insisting how it’s so obvious that he still wants to be with me, but I guess it’s not so obvious after all.
I’m insanely jealous. Which is completely absurd since I’m the one who broke up with him. So I don’t exactly have a right to feel this way. But that’s the thing about feelings. They’re totally
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