full of questions since Kyra rarely called on her to babysit. Kyra said she was planning a special evening with Ethan, but wouldn’t tell her friend anything more. Somehow, she didn’t think her oldest friend would understand her going to a massage parlor. Maybe she would tell Melanie someday, when enough time had passed that it would just be another crazy story.
Ethan held open the front door and they both stepped into a small vestibule. The inner door had a small window with one-way glass in it. He rang a doorbell and she shifted nervously from foot to foot while clutching his hand in a death grip. After a few moments that stretched into an eternity, an older, plump Asian woman answered the door with a wide smile and ushered them into a small waiting area where worn brown couches lined the walls. Kyra could not imagine sitting there with other people, waiting for their turn to be taken care of in the back.
“Hello, you like couple’s massage,” the woman said through a heavy accent.
“No, uh, just me. She’s just here to, uhm, watch,” Ethan said.
“You sure, sweetie?” she asked Kyra. “Make you feel real good.”
“No. No, thank you,” Kyra replied, her porcelain skin going bright red.
“Okay, sweetie. You let me know. You two come with me.”
The Asian woman took Kyra’s hand and led her through a heavy curtain that led into the back. Kyra’s grip on Ethan’s hand tightened. They turned the corner in a dimly-lit, long, narrow L-shaped hallway with half a dozen doors off to the right and the left. Sounds came from behind some of the doors, but it was too muffled to make out details. One door, right on the turn in the hallway, had a heavy shower curtain hanging across it and the sounds of splashing water came from within. The heavy, cloyingly sweet smell of disinfectant hung in the air. If she weren’t being pulled forward by the hostess, Kyra might have run out of there. There was just a seedy atmosphere to the place that did not quite jibe with her romanticized fantasy. The hostess opened a door on the left and showed them into a small room. “Someone be right with you,” the woman said.
The room was claustrophobic. A massage table with a flat pillow and white sheet was pressed to the left wall. A wicker chair sat in the back right corner, while a small set of wicker shelves occupied the back wall. The shelves were filled with white towels, a cheap clock radio and several bottles of lotions and oils. An easy listening station was barely audible coming from the radio. It was even dimmer in the room, and Kyra could hardly make out the tacky bamboo pattern on the wallpaper. The scents of Lysol and baby oil battled for supremacy in the tight space.
“Okay,” Kyra said, drawing the word out. “So now what?”
“Usually I just sit on the table and wait for the girl. This is it. We’re really going to do this?”
Swallowing hard, she took both his hands and gave him a long, deep kiss. “I want you to have fun, honey. Pretend I’m not even here.”
“I don’t know if that’s possible.”
Before they could discuss things further, the door opened, almost hitting Kyra. A stunning, petite Asian girl joined them. Kyra felt an immediate twinge of jealousy at the girl’s perfection. The girl was shorter than her, barely five feet tall, even while wearing her towering stripper heels. Her jet black hair fell straight down her back to her waist. The yellow string bikini top and sarong she wore did nothing to hide her tight little body. Her breasts were rather small, but looked perfect and perky. Her ass was also round and tight. Even when she was younger Kyra didn’t think she ever had a body like that.
“I’m Sunny,” she said, closing the door. Her accent was even thicker than the hostess’s and Kyra wasn’t sure she made her name out correctly. “You are handsome couple.” She rubbed both their backs. “I take care of both of you, yes?”
“No, just my husband,” Kyra replied,
Kelly Favor
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Ferdinand von Schirach
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