going to let me quit college.”
“She said not while you’re under her roof.”
“Trust me, I heard that part loud and clear. But even if I make three thousand dollars a month, there’s no guarantee I’ll make that every month plus I have to pay taxes on it and there’s no way I could afford my own apartment and all the bills that come with it.” I sigh and rest my head in my hands. Even Jett’s adorable baby smile doesn’t cheer me up right now. “I’ll be living with my parents for a while. That means I’m stuck in college.”
“Okay first of all, you’re lucky because I want to go to college and I can’t until Jett is older, and secondly, you’re totally missing the point, Becca.” She points toward her bedroom door, signaling to where the boys are in the living room. “You don’t have to pay your own apartment bills. You just have to share them with someone.”
“You mean Park?” I ask. The very idea of living with Park makes me lightheaded. “I don’t know about that.”
“Don’t tell me you guys haven’t talked about you moving in yet? I mean, hello! He just bought a house! A man doesn’t need that big freaking house all to himself.”
“We’ve danced around the subject, but we haven’t actually talked about it.”
She leans into me with her shoulder. “Whyyyy not? Come on, Becca! Dooooo it.”
I laugh. “It’s not like I can just pack up my stuff and move in with him. He has to ask me and all of that.”
She rolls her eyes. “Uh, yeah you can. Here I’ll help you pack.” She pretends to stand up. “Let’s go get your stuff and move you in today.”
“It’s not like that. I kind of need the guy’s permission first. Preferably, I’d like it if he asks me to move in. I don’t want to be the kind of girl that begs to live with him.”
“I get what you’re saying and all of that, but you’re not that kind of girl. Park is crazy about you and I know he’d be psyched if you moved in with him.”
Before I speak, I make sure to lower my voice just in case anyone happens to be walking by the door. “It’s easy for you to say that because you have this perfect fairytale romance thing going on. I can’t ask him to let me move in. He has to ask me on his own.”
“He’ll ask.”
“I hope so.” I smile and think about the guy who has captured my heart and is currently hanging out on the other side of Bayleigh’s apartment. There’s no doubt in my mind that he’s the guy I want with me for the rest of my life.
Chapter 12
My dad has Thanksgiving off work for the first time in forever, so my parents go all out to celebrate the holiday. Instead of buying a pre-cooked turkey from the market like usual, Mom actually cooks one herself, making the stuffing from scratch and everything. I participate in the same way I do every year, by making the pies. One pumpkin, one apple and one chocolate. I don’t have a favorite—they are all equally delicious.
This is my second Thanksgiving as a couple with Park, but it’s the first one we’ve been able to spend together. Mom invited him over for dinner but Dad said he should come over early to watch football. My parents both really like Park, but that doesn’t stop my anxiety levels from going through the roof the moment he arrives.
I rush to the front door the second the doorbell rings. I’ve seen my boyfriend a million times but on this occasion, it feels like a first date all over again. My fingers fumble with opening the door, and when I do, I’m greeted first by a bouquet of flowers.
“Happy Thanksgiving, love.” Park leans in for a quick kiss on my cheek and I take the flowers he gives me.
“Thanksgiving isn’t a flower-giving occasion, you know,” I tease him as I let him into the foyer and close the door behind us.
“When you’re dating a cop’s daughter, every occasion is a flower-giving occasion.”
He takes off his suede jacket, revealing a black long-sleeved button up shirt that fits him as if
Timothy L. Cerepaka
Wendi Zwaduk
Eric Liu
Fern Michaels
Darcy Burke
Susan Ray Schmidt
Liliana Camarena
Dorothy Gilman
Bonnie Bryant
Marian Keyes