ten miles north of North Fox."
"What’s there?" Jimmy asked.
"Beaver Island- tourist destination that receives flights from Charlevoix on the mainland- there's a ferry as well."
"So what's this place called?" Jimmy asked.
"South Fox Island," Kenslir said, perturbed. "No special name, Jimmy- that'd kind of give away what we're doing."
Josie slipped on a set of headphones so she could hear better. The engines were picking up in throttle and the wind was loud as Kenslir angled them in for a landing.
"So what do people think it is?" she asked.
"Corporate retreat," Kenslir said. He glanced back over his shoulder for a moment. "Better strap in, Jimmy, we're about to touch down."
Jimmy stepped out of the cabin and got into the first of the plane's eight seats, buckling in quickly. He felt the nose rise on the plane and the whine of the engines pick up. The rear wheels touched down- roughly- jostling the plane. Then the front wheel touched down and the Colonel applied brakes and reversed the engine flow.
The plane slowed to an eventual halt, rolling almost to the end of the short runway.
"That was close," Josie said, looking out the windows.
Kenslir swung the plane's nose around and eased the throttle forward, taxiing the Lear back down the runway. "I don't get to fly as much as I'd like."
"So, why no crew on this flight?" Josie asked through her headset.
"This is a highly classified site. We try and keep as few people involved as possible. The security team is only twenty men. There's less than another twenty support staff as well."
Kenslir taxied to the end of the runway, turning onto a side ramp and finally coming to a stop on a large apron ringed with three small hangars. In one, Josie could see a larger, sleek, corporate-type passenger helicopter. The other held a twin engine, propeller-driven transport plane.
"Cozy," She said, slipping off her headphones and undoing her seat buckles.
"We're off the grid out here. Limited contact with the outside world- only regular visit is once a month, to deliver supplies." Kenslir took his headphones off and powered down the plane.
"So why?" Josie asked, walking out of the cockpit. Jimmy was already lowering the door at the rear of the plane.
"Keeping secrets is hard when you have too many people involved," Kenslir said, following her.
Josie, Jimmy then the Colonel finally made their way off the plane, down the folding metal stairs and onto the tarmac.
A large electric golf cart rolled up, with two men on it. They wore jeans and t-shirts, with pistol belts around their waists.
"Welcome to Fox," the driver said.
After retrieving their luggage from the plane, the trio rode the large cart away from the airfield, north, onto a gravel path that led to the cluster of buildings in the center of the island.
"This used to be part of a state park," Kenslir said. "In the 1970s, the DoD selected it as the ideal location for a research facility, due to its location on the Lake.
"In '94, a private industrialist agreed to purchase the island and develop it for his own use- the cover for the construction of the research center. Once the facility began operation, he sold the island to a shell corporation the CIA uses and the corporate retreat business was put in place."
"Corporate retreat?" Josie asked.
"That's the official cover. An exclusive vacation destination for the really, really wealthy."
"Did he know what was going on here? The developer?" Jimmy asked.
"He was hired to make the purchase and develop the island. All he knew was that it was going to be a classified facility. He was more than happy to assist."
The golfcart pulled into what was like a main square in the center of the island. The large square was surrounded with mainly one story buildings that looked like a typical beach front resort. The main building was three stories tall and was clearly a hotel.
Kenslir stepped off the cart and grabbed his duffel bag. "Most of these are empty. There's a crew that keeps
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