Spiritual Warfare

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Book: Spiritual Warfare by Joseph Prince Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joseph Prince
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returned from the funeral of a Christian friend who died of a disease. She was the same age as you. By the way, we often don’t know the full story of how and why Christians die. For instance, there are Christians who want to go home to be with the Lord. We are responsible for our own lives. But one thing we do know is that God loves us and He wants us to live long, healthy lives. (Psalm 91:16)
    Release the Word from your mouth and turn its latent power into actual power.
    Now, when you walk away from the funeral service, you are all alone and right there, the devil throws a thought at you: “You know, she was such a spiritual Christian, such a nice Christian, such a wonderful Christian…” He throws another fiery dart: “If it can happen to her, it can happen to you.” Now, fear starts to creep in. What must you do? You must say, “It is written, ‘A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you.’” (Psalm 91:7) Counter the devil’s move with the sword of the Word of God!
    God’s Word Is To Be Spoken
    My friend, it is not enough to just know God’s Word in your heart. You have to speak it out. That is when latent power becomes actual power! Jesus in the wilderness did not just think of the scriptures or hum them in His head. He spoke the scriptures out loud.
    You can memorise thousands of scriptures, but if you don’t learn to say, “It is written…”, you won’t actually release the Word. Until the Word is released from your mouth, there will be no actual power, only latent power. In other words, until the Word leaves your mouth, it is just power lying dormant inside you. You have got to speak it out. When you speak it out, it is like God speaking. God’s Word in your mouth is like God speaking.
    Here is another situation you may find yourself in: You wake up one day and you don’t know why, but you start to think about your parents and grandparents who all died of a particular disease. Somehow, the thought begins to plague you. The fears are unreasonable, but they still plague you. A thought enters your mind: “You will die of the same disease! You will die young! It’s a generational curse!” What should your response be? Quote Psalm 91:16 out loud: “It is written, ‘With long life I will satisfy him, and show him My salvation.’” Speak the Word of God into your fear.
    Use the sword of the Spirit against the devil and he will get the point every time!
    I have discovered that you cannot reason away fear. You cannot analyse it away. There are some fears that come into my mind and I say, “Joseph Prince, what are the chances of that happening?” But it doesn’t help. The fears are still there. I say again, “Come on, Joseph Prince, it will never happen to you.” But the fears remain. So you can’t reason away fear. Because our warfare is spiritual, the only way to defeat fear is to speak the Word of God into the fear by saying, “It is written, ‘For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.’” (2 Timothy 1:7)
    You need to memorise that one. It is a powerful scripture. I don’t care what kind of fear comes against you. It could be a fear of growing old, fear of a particular disease, fear of losing your job, fear of failure… Whatever your fear is, use the sword of the Word of God. Declare, “It is written, ‘For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.’”
    When you speak His Word, you will see that it really is sharper than any two-edged sword. In the book of Revelation, when John saw the Lord, he said that “out of His mouth went a sharp two-edged sword”. (Revelation 1:16) In the Greek, it is “two-mouthed sword” . Why? Because the Word leaves God’s mouth first, then it leaves yours. That is when it becomes a two-edged sword! That is when it becomes powerful! When you speak His Word, when you agree with it, it becomes a two-edged

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