Sodom and Detroit
and not use her job as a shield.
When she was thinking about work, all those uncomfortable thoughts
and worries about the sheik disappeared. She didn’t have to listen
to her almost nonstop internal lecture about the dangers of falling
for a guy. All she had to do was focus on her work goals and
everything else disappeared. It was just her and a never-ending
series of complicated business facts and figures that took her
total attention.
    The shower filled with the scent of her coconut
conditioner as she ran it through her long hair. Maybe Trinity was
right; maybe she should take a chance. One of the things that made
her so successful in the boardroom was her self-confidence and
refusal to be intimidated. Perhaps it was past time she tried to
apply a little bit of that self-confidence to her personal life as
well. She could do this, especially if she had a man like the sheik
to look forward to every evening.
* * *
    Angel watched Luke out of the corner of his eye as
Angel shaved along the curve of his neck. His blond and tanned
lover practically vibrated with an excitement that mirrored his
    Luke ran his hand through his hair and gave Angel a
wry look. “Why do I feel like I’m back in high school about to go
on my first date?” His booted foot tapped an abrupt tempo on the
stone floor of their penthouse occupying the top floor of
    Angel chuckled and ran the razor over the stubble on
his throat. “If having a threesome on a first date was a norm for
you in high school, I’m jealous.”
    Lightly socking Angel’s shoulder, Luke said, “You
know what I mean.”
    “Yeah, I know.” He darted a glance at Luke in the
steamy mirror. “Truth be told, I’m a little nervous myself. I feel
like some kind of weird matchmaker. I know you two would be great
together, and the three of us would be amazing.”
    “I’m hoping that her inclusion of a woman in last
night’s fantasy bodes well for us.” Luke walked behind him and
placed his head on Angel’s shoulder. “Let’s see how she reacts to
the both of us together tonight. If everything goes well, tomorrow
we can introduce her to the pleasure of you fucking her while I
fuck you.”
    Angel shifted as his cock swelled at the thought. He
patted his face dry and tried to combat his nerves and arousal.
Luke was right; he was as nervous as an untried virgin on prom
    “What did you do last night that she liked?”
    Angel grinned and rinsed his razor in the sink. “I’m
not going to tell you. You’re going to have to go in as blind as
she is.”
    Luke’s lips were gentle as he ran them over his ear
and whispered, “Aww, just a little hint.”
    The dark skin of Angel’s head gleamed as he rubbed
lotion onto his scalp. “I will give you one hint. And I know it’s
something you’ll like.”
    Luke rocked back on his heels and glanced at his
watch. “Tell me and get dressed. I don’t want to be late for our
date with the lovely Maeve.”
    The overhead lights of their enormous closet
revealed enough clothes to fill a high-end store. Angel flicked
through his selection of suits. “She has a wonderful clit that gets
rock hard when she is aroused. All big and pink, surrounded by the
softness of a fully waxed pussy.”
    Groaning, Luke leaned against the doorway. “Fuck the
suit. Just put on some sweats. We need to get to that fantasy
* * *
    Still chewing the last delicious bit of her
strawberry cheesecake, Maeve practically bolted from the table.
Trinity glanced up from holding hands with Jerald and giggled.
“Don’t bust your ass running in those heels, girlfriend.”
    Maeve stuck her tongue out at her and hurried off as
fast as her cherry red five-inch heels could carry her. She had a
rather detailed idea for a fantasy, and she wanted to tell it to
Carla before her mystery man was supposed to meet her in VR.
    The receptionist looked impressed when she ran
across the marble floor in her red fuck-me stilettos.
    “Hi,” Maeve said a touch

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