probably knows the story behind it.”
Not going to happen. Ian couldn’t stand to be in the same room with him. There was no way Jack was going to ask the man personal questions about his family or his past. The guy was scary with his burning-touch and probing eyes.
Vanessa added, “It must be difficult for you living in the house without Billy.”
“It is.”
“As soon as Jersey is dead, Billy will be free.”
“I know. But what do we do in the meantime? He might do something he can’t live with. I don’t understand the changes in him. I always thought werewolves just freaked out during the full moon phase, but he’s totally pissed off all the time. And at me. I just don’t get it.”
“I heard he threw you out a window. Ian told me. I’m glad you survived it.”
“Why did he do it?” Jack was desperate to have a logical reason for his brother’s erratic behavior, something to grasp onto. If there was a reason for Billy’s insanity, he could forgive it. If not, he wasn’t sure their relationship could return to normal even if he and Billy both lived through the coming war.
“Werewolves vary just like people,” she said. “I’ve faced some who were almost apologetic for attacking me. I’ve seen others who were on the brink of homicide even when there was no moon to speak of.”
Billy was like that. “What can I do about it?” Besides killing my brother, he almost added.
“There isn’t anything you can do outside the obvious.” She decided to change the subject. “Did Silver get to sleep okay?”
“She cried until she physically exhausted herself.”
Vanessa forced a smile. “She is so lucky to have you. I trust Silver, and I trust you, Jack. I’ve known about the two of you for quite some time, how you spend the night together on occasion. I know you won’t do anything to hurt my daughter.”
There was a sliver of warning embedded in the statement. Her eyes studied him over the top of the cup. She waited for a reaction. He didn’t know what she expected, what she wanted. He nodded, indicating he understood the veiled threat and would comply.
Her eyes shifted to the doorway and she said, “You should go back to bed. We’ll talk again. Right now I just want to sit alone and contemplate the shambles of my life.” When he hesitated, she forced another smile. “It’s okay. I promise you. Go to bed.”
Jack headed for the trapdoor, but he didn’t return to the mansion beneath because a shadow caught his eye. It moved past the window, and he saw it through the thin white curtains. The porch light was on so the shadow couldn’t conceal itself in darkness. It was gone before Jack made it to the front door. He figured it was probably just Ian checking on them, but he had to be sure. He stepped outside and got a surprise.
There wasn’t a soul in sight. Instead of a person (or creature) he found a note stuck to the door. It was addressed to him. Short and to the point, the note wasn’t signed, but Jack knew who had sent it. Jersey . The head werewolf was waiting for Jack at a bar on the edge of town.
The only question now: Should Jack go?
Jersey was a man (werewolf) used to getting what he wanted. If Jack didn’t meet with him, Jersey would show up at the house. The last thing the Reign women needed was a visit from the psychotic werewolf. Jack had no choice. He had to go. If he hurried, no one would have to know he’d left the house.
Hand on the doorknob, Jack considered going back inside to tell Vanessa where he was off to and why. She would insist on either tagging along or sending Ian with him. He didn’t know which would be worse. If Silver woke up before he returned, she would think he’d abandoned her. But what choice did he have? If he told her where he was going, she would insist on joining him. Like
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