Shadows of Fate (Shadow Born)

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Book: Shadows of Fate (Shadow Born) by Angela Dennis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angela Dennis
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uneasiness pushed its way forward.
    Sam shuffled into the room, looking somewhat anxious. “Have you seen Marissa? She was supposed to drive me to my appointment.”
    Appointment meant feeding and if Sam didn’t feed they were all going to have an issue. Marissa religiously found him willing donors, so he didn’t take out his frustrations on the others in the house. Sam didn‘t look good. His skin had a gray pallor, and his eyes looked dim.
    “I need to feed,” he said, resting on the chair Brenna had vacated. “It’s been two months. It weakens Marissa too much if I feed off her.” He took a shaky breath. “Much longer and I won’t be able to control the cravings.”
    Damn it. If Marissa was all right, Brenna was going to kill her. This was her job.
    “How much do you need?” Coming behind Sam, she placed both hands on his shoulders. He flinched from her touch. Despite the nasty legends humans spread about Sam’s kind, he didn’t need to feed through sex, just raw emotion. But he preferred sex. Who wouldn’t?
    “Brenna,” said Gray.
    She ignored the warning in his voice. Gray couldn’t understand what it was like to fight against the very thing that defined you. It was an agony she hoped he never had to experience. If she could help Sam, she would.
    “A lot.” Sam lowered his head to his hands. Brenna let herself fall forward with him. “But even a little would help me until I can find someone.”
    Releasing him, she knelt at his feet, lifting his head with her hands. His skin burned beneath her touch. “Gray is going to stay. He’ll stop you if you get carried away.” She ignored Gray’s snort.
    Sam looked up. “I’m not a monster.”
    “I know. But you’re hungry. Things happen.” She clasped his hand in hers, ignoring the screaming in her head. “Let’s get it over with.”
    Her head fell back as heat scorched her blood. She could feel Sam’s essence pushing inside her body. He held back, but only just. The room dimmed as she accepted the assault. Her body trembled in his hands as he drained the energy from her aura. Then it was over.
    Her breath steadied as she opened her eyes, but still stumbled backwards into Gray. She was numb inside, like she couldn’t feel anymore, not unlike the first night she spent stranded here on Earth.
    “Did you get enough?” she asked. She didn’t attempt to free herself from Gray’s grasp, unsure if she could stand on her own just yet.
    Sam nodded, slouching back in the chair. “Thanks. I thought I was going to have to hunt.”
    “Sam,” she warned. “You need to come to me before it gets this bad. If I had been human, you would have killed me.”
    The incubus sagged a little. “I’m sorry. I depend on Marissa. We’ve been fighting, but I didn’t think she’d do this. She’s so damn distracted.” Sighing, he rose to his feet. “It’s like she’s back on the Taskforce or something. Last night when she came to bed she had these weird marks on her stomach. They looked like bite marks.”
    “I’ll help you find her.”
    Brenna turned to Gray, surprised. He shrugged.
    “She doesn’t seem like the type to shirk her responsibilities.” He looked at Sam. “Do you have enough control to come with me?”
    “Yeah. No problem. Let me grab my stuff and I’ll meet you at the door.”
    Once Sam left, Brenna leaned towards Gray. He was so close she could feel his breath on her forehead. His power trailed along her skin. It was all she could do not to wrap herself around him. At the very least, she wanted to stroke his chorded muscles. His magic danced, heavy in the cold air. She wondered what he would taste like.
    She jerked back, cursing her stupidity. Sam must have stirred up her lust when he fed. “She was working a lead in the Underground when I talked to her last. Start there.” Her voice was still shaky.
    Gray cocked an eyebrow. She hated that expression. “I can barely stand on my own much less go traipsing through the

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