Shade of Pale

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Book: Shade of Pale by Greg; Kihn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Greg; Kihn
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quietly into the kitchen, opened a beer, and stared off into space.
    The sound of the newscast droned on in the background.
    â€œâ€¦ the strangler is still at large. On the lighter side of the news, today in New York, man bites dog. That story after these messages.…”
    There was a knock at the door and Cathy woke up. She sat up on the couch and rubbed her eyes. Jukes stepped back into the living room and indicated for Cathy to stay where she was. He tiptoed to the door and peered into the fish-eye security lens.
    Bobby Sudden stood in the hall.
    He’d shaved his head since the last time Jukes had seen him, but he looked every bit as depraved and mean. At six feet, he stood as tall as Jukes, but more muscular. He wore his usual black leather jacket and T-shirt.
    Cathy came up behind Jukes; he could hear her breathing over his shoulder. Why couldn’t she stay on the couch like he told her? She never followed his instructions. “Who is it?” she whispered.
    He waved her back, a look of disgust on his face. He didn’t want her to get anywhere near the door. “It’s Bobby,” he whispered angrily. “I don’t want him to know you’re here, OK? So, just keep quiet and stay back; let me get rid of him. I do not want you to talk to him; is that understood? Now go back into the living room.”
    She gave him a disconcerting petulant look and took two steps back. She didn’t go into the living room, which made Jukes angry. She just hovered there, out of sight but not out of earshot. Jukes waved at her to get farther back.
    He opened the door a crack, chain engaged. “What do you want?”
    â€œIs Cathy here?”
    â€œI know she’s here, man; let me in.”
    â€œGo away.”
    â€œShe needs me right now. I’m her man. I’ve got a right to see her.”
    â€œForget it; she doesn’t want to see you again, ever.”
    â€œWhy don’t you let her decide that?”
    â€œShe’s recovering from the brutal beating you gave her, which was a criminal act, by the way.”
    â€œI just want to talk to her.” He tried to push the door open a little more, but Jukes held on firmly, his foot planted against the jamb. The chain snapped taut.
    â€œDon’t you get it? She’s through with you!” Jukes shouted.
    â€œThat’s her decision, man.”
    â€œGet the hell away from my door!” Jukes slammed it shut again.
    Bobby stood his ground on the other side. “I want to see her!” he shouted through the door.
    â€œI saw what you did to her, and I’ve got a good mind to kick your teeth in. That’s my sister, not one of your slutty models. I’ve already called the cops.”
    â€œYou what?”
    â€œYou assaulted my sister; I called the cops. What don’t you understand? I hope they put you away for a long time.”
    â€œI want to see her.”
    â€œAbsolutely not.” Jukes felt good saying that. He felt like he was making up for that day at the lake many years ago when he had just stood by impotently. Strength came into him as he pictured the sneer on the local boy’s face. The more he thought about it, the more it fueled his indignation.
    Bobby pounded on the door violently; the whole room shook.
    Jukes could feel his anger rising. “Get out of here!”
    The pounding continued. Finally Jukes couldn’t take it anymore. In a rage, he flung the door open and confronted Bobby.
    â€œI want to see Cathy!” Bobby shouted.
    â€œShe doesn’t want to see you.”
    From behind him he heard his sister’s voice, and his heart sank. “Bobby? Is that you?”
    â€œCathy? Baby?”
    â€œPlease go away, Bobby. It’s over. I … I never want to see you again.”
    â€œYou heard her!” Jukes butted in.
    Bobby pushed Jukes back into the apartment. He lost his footing, staggered backward, and

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