pain. Those who prefer the clips with a cord usually like to yank them off in one fell swoop. That seems a little scary to us, but as always, it’s a matter of preference. You may be a little nervous about making the formal introduction of nipple clips to your part-123
Sex Tips for Straight Women from a Gay Man ner. You may want to take them out of your bedside drawer, and suggest that he tenderly place them on you one by one. If he looks at you like you’re a freak, just murmur in a hot, breathy voice that you have really sensitive nipples. You can put them on yourself if he’s not into it. After he sees how much you like it and how harmless they are, he’ll probably be much more willing to have you try them on him. It goes without saying that these should be gently removed before you move into any seriously acrobatic acts.
It always amazes us that many women overlook videos—one of the easiest and most accessible devices to turn guys on. You can be squeamish about other devices because you don’t want to purchase them, or because you’re not into toys; but there’s absolutely no reason in this day and age to feel the slightest embarrassment about getting videos. Unless you’re in the Bible Belt and the only video store is Blockbuster, almost every video rental place has a section or a room for adults only.
Another one of our informal scientific polls showed that women are more turned on by reading sexy stories than by watching people have sex. Men love to watch. If you don’t believe us, think about all those porno theaters and twenty-four-hour peep-show booths that stay in business year after year. Someone’s got to patronize them. Nowadays, even the most sophomoric bachelor parties steer clear of live entertainment, whether it’s a babe in a big cake or a visit to a 124
Go for the Gold Ring!
brothel. The modern-day alternative is for the guys to get loaded and go back to someone’s place to watch videos.
The beauty of video is that you can choose from just about a zillion titles featuring every sexual fantasy you can think of.
You can also preview them alone and at your leisure, in the privacy of your own home. This is where it’s really important to choose the right stuff for you. If you think something’s gross, then watching it with him won’t do much for either of you. If you’re adventurous, go ahead and see what you like. He’ll be so amazed that you did this that he’ll be happy with whatever you choose.
For those who find this concept somewhat appealing, but don’t want to deal with hard-core, we suggest starting with something that qualifies as sex kitsch. This could be renting an old copy of Flesh Gordon , where the hero battles the terrify-ing space penisaurous, or Deep Throat , a classic by any measure.
These dated videos are tame by today’s standards, but they will get your point across. Other old sex videos are a hoot because of the polyester pantsuits, high hairdos and leather passion pits. Porno titles can be funny on their own: How about such classics as Phallus in Wonderland, Bimbo Bowlers from Boston, Rookie Nookie or Sex Trek: The Next Penetration ? If you don’t know where to start, just check out the date on the box. Anything made in the sixties or early seventies will probably be a riot. If you’re scared to bring them up to the checkout counter, just casually mention to the clerk that you’re having a bachel-orette party. No one will bat an eyelash.
Let’s say you can handle something a bit racier. While 125
Sex Tips for Straight Women from a Gay Man lots of guys are turned on by watching two women making it together, he might think you’re trying to send him a message.
Ditto on anything else that you may not want to practice. Guys are pretty easy that way; if you show them something, they’ll think you want to do it, too. Choose what’s right for you. He’ll figure it out.
Okay, now you want to know when to introduce the
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