Sewing in Circles

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Book: Sewing in Circles by Chloe Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chloe Taylor
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booth expenses hanging over her head, selling unique versions of the bracelets began to sound like a very good option, even if they were copies.

    Minds and Manners
    Have you done something because you were trying to be nice, but it ended up going wrong, and then the person you were trying to be nice to thought you were doing it for completely different reasons? Like, not-nice reasons? It feels so unfair, but it’s hardto know what to do. If someone is going to think the worst about you, it seems like there’s not a lot you can do to change their mind. I’m not even sure if writing an apology note would help. Hopefully, it’s true that “It’s the thought that counts.” Isn’t it?
    I’m busy working on Aunt Lulu’s maternity dress, plus making bracelets and sewing more sizes of the different clothing designs for the gift fair. I hope I at least make back the cost of the booth—or even better, make a profit! I gather from your answers to my question in a previous blog post that gift fairs can be a mixed bag: Sometimes they’re awesome and you do really well, and other times . . . not so much. Please send awesome wishes my way!

    â€œI’ve got good news!” Zoey told Ezra when they met up after school on Wednesday at Poppa’s Pastry Shop. Marcus had picked Zoey up from school and given her a ride there, teasing her about her “date” the whole way.
    â€œWhat’s that?” Ezra asked, spooning whipped cream off his hot chocolate and into his mouth.
    â€œI got a booth at the gift fair after all,” Zoey told him. “They had a cancellation. There’s just one catch: They want me to have some nonclothing items for sale, like accessories, to make my booth more gift fair–friendly.”
    â€œThat’s great!” Ezra exclaimed. “Do you know what you’re going to sell?”
    â€œI’m probably going to make more fabric bracelets—you’ve probably seen girls wearing them at school; they’re really in style,” Zoey said. “I’ve made some copies for my friends with prints that match their interests.”
    â€œThat sounds cool.”
    â€œI thought so,” Zoey said. “And they’re easy and quick to make. But now I’m not sure if I should be making money by copying someone else’s idea.”
    â€œI think it would be okay as long as they’re different enough designs from the originals,” Ezra said. “I mean, if someone copied my stuff, I think I’d take it as a compliment.”
    â€œYeah, that’s exactly how Daphne Shaw told me to look at it when someone copied my sari design,” Zoey told him.
    â€œListen, if you’re really worried about having enough accessories . . . What if you displayed some of my paintings at your booth? It would be a win-win, because it would make your booth more gifty looking, and I’d get a chance to sell my artwork.”
    Zoey was taken aback by the suggestion. She tried to hide her feelings, because she didn’t want to upset Ezra, but even though she thought his paintings were cool, she didn’t think they really meshed with the Sew Zoey style. She wanted the booth to reflect her style, not be a mishmash of Sew Zoey and Ezra styles. She was also worried about having to call back the gift fair organizers to ask them if it was okay to sell paintings that weren’t her own, since they were so particular about what was being sold. But then she thought of something that made it seem worth it.
    â€œI guess it would be fun to hang out together,” she said finally. “But I’ll have to think about it.”
    â€œHang out?” Ezra asked.
    â€œYou know, manning the booth?” Zoey replied.
    Ezra paused. “Oh. I guess I kind of figured I’d just hang the pictures and you’d do your thing. Butyeah, if you want me to, I’ll help you. It would be fun to

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