Seducing the Photographer (At First Sight)

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Book: Seducing the Photographer (At First Sight) by Janet Lane-Walters Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janet Lane-Walters
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pulled her hand free. “A week will be long enough to let her stew.”
    “I’m not going after her until this cast is gone. You can help. Just remind her of my existence. Say once a day.”
    “I can do that.” She stepped back. “Call if you need anything else. See you.”
    * * *
    Meg was going to kill her sister except Allie wasn’t close enough to touch. The phone call had interrupted Meg’s storm of tears and she refused to admit either anger or disappointment. “I’m fine.”
    “Do you want to know how Steve is? I saw him this afternoon. He had an interesting reaction when he learned you left.”
    “Why would I care?” Meg sank on the couch. “I did the family thing and picked him up at the airport. I felt sorry for him so I stayed until Simone arrived to claim her rights.” She drew a deep breath. Had she managed to show the indifference she didn’t feel?
    “She isn’t at his place,” Allie said. “He kicked her out.”
    Meg felt a jolt of hope bubbling to the surface. “What does that have to do with me?”
    “The weekend didn’t matter. I explored something of interest.” Her inner voice screamed. Liar, liar. “I broke my rules and paid the price.” Even if he’d booted Simone out he would find someone else. He had heard her confession of love and dismissed her words as false. Steve had no desire for a permanent connection with her or anyone else.
    “I think he cares about you.” Allie said.
    Though her sister couldn’t see, Meg shook her head. “Think again. What he cares about is hot sex.”
    “How was it?”
    “Allie!” Meg felt her face burn bright.
    “Call him. I’ll give you his number.” She recited a string.
    “I’m not listening.” But she was. “Enough. I have things to do. I’ve great ideas for the February issue and I have to work while they’re hot.”
    “That’s a switch. You usually wait for a team conference and make your plan at the last moment. Give me a hint so I can coordinate Good Eatin’ with yours. Maybe we can convince the brothers to slant their issues.”
    Meg sank onto a chair. “Are you alone?”
    “Yes. Why?”
    “I don’t want a hint to escape, especially since Simone was snooping around.”
    “So what? Greg’s here. He certainly won’t be speaking to her. Now, give.”
    “A feast for the senses starting with a spread about Peek-A-Boo and the lingerie.” Meg sighed. “I spent a fortune there. Could you have Greg prepare a menu with recipes the average cook can handle?”
    “Will do.”
    Meg yawned. “Let me go. I’ll see you tomorrow.” She hung up and reached for paper and pen. She jotted ideas using the five senses. Tomorrow she would speak to the writers and ask for feedback. She would have the staff find products to feature,
    A new rule popped into her thoughts. When disappointed in love find an absorbing project.
    A week passed and then a second. Thoughts of Steve hovered at the periphery of her mine. Allie’s constant updates about his condition and living arrangements didn’t help with expunging her memories or sooth the raw places of her heart. Meg pushed herself to complete the plans for February and to check the progress of the upcoming issues.
    At times she reached for the phone to call him. What could she say? I think of you every day. My body recalls the way you touched me and yearns to feel your hands on my skin.
    She reached for the phone and dialed the number Allie had recited. The phone rang once. She hung up. What was the use? If he wanted her in his life he would have called. How would he act when he returned to work?
    On Monday of the third week, a package appeared on her desk. She opened the card and found a crystal ball with a red rose inside. She opened the card and read the message. “These are everlasting.”
    Had Steve sent them? The card wasn’t signed and she’d never seen his handwriting. If she called to thank him and he denied being the sender she would feel like a fool. A

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