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Book: Scandalous by Victoria Christopher Murray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Victoria Christopher Murray
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sighed. My goal really and truly had been to stay celibate (for three weeks) so that my first night as Kenny Larson's wife would be really special. But maybe all was not lost. Maybe it would still be great with Kenny because we hadn't been together in such a long time. And maybe once Kenny and I took these vows, my body would catch up with my heart and I would be satisfied the way I'd been satisfied with him throughout high school and three years of college. The way I'd been satisfied before I began working at Foxtails and discovering sex on a whole 'nother level.
    Finally I said to Roman, “ Sleeping with you last night was unfortunate. ” I made it sound like I'd just made a little mistake. “ I shouldn't have done it, but stuff happens, you know? ”
    He smirked. “ Stuff? ”
    “ Yup, stuff. Good stuff, I'll admit that. But, wrong stuff. ”
    His eyebrows rose so high, I was sure they were going to slip off his forehead.
    “ Look, ” I said, “ there's nothing I can do about what happened. I don't look back and I don't live with regrets. So, all I'll say is that I had a great time with you, but now it's over … bye-bye! ”
    He chuckled as if he didn't believe I had enough will power to really walk away from what he had laid on me. But he just didn't know. I was Jasmine Cox-about-to-be-Larson. I could walk away from him or anyone or anything. 'Cause I was the one who was always in control.
    I rolled off the bed and strutted to the dresser, not caring at all that I was butt-naked. My mind was already on the events that were going to go down over the next few hours. Glancing in the mirror, I twisted my head from side to side, taking in the damage I'd done from a night of hard sex and then sleeping without my silk scarf. My asymmetrical hair cut was matted flat against my head, making me look nothing like a bride. Kyla was gonna kill me, but that was fine. All she was gonna do was fuss and then fix me up. By noon, I'd be ready to walk down the aisle looking like the most beautiful blushing bride.
    The blushing part made me look beyond my reflection in the mirror and glance at Roman. He was still in the bed - with his elbow cocked, and his head resting in the palm of his hand -- as if my goodbye speech had not moved him. Literally. He just stared at me, his eyes glazed with appreciation. As if I was a valuable piece of art, like a black Mona Lisa or something.
    “ You know, you're one fine female. ”
    I pivoted around so that Roman could get a full frontal view of all of my glory. Foxtails had been such a great breeding ground for my self-esteem. It was there that I learned the power of a woman. And it was moments like this when I felt almighty. Because without doing anything more than showing the body that had made me lots of money, I could bring a grown man to his knees. I could make a grown man cry. I could turn a grown man into a babbling, begging buffoon.
    “ Yup, ” he said, with eyes that were even more glassy now. “ Fine. ”
    “ Thank you. ”
    “ I sure wish I could get another piece of that today. ”
    Slowly, I strolled toward him. There wasn't much on my body that jiggled, but what was supposed to did. And Roman did what all men did when they saw me like this: he licked his lips and began to pant, and that meant the begging, babbling part wasn't very far away.
    But I was just teasing. He was never going to get another piece of me. All I was doing now was gifting him with a sight to remember me by.
    I stood over the bed and looked down at him. “ Sorry, boo. No seconds here. This was just a one-time thing. ”
    “ Don't be so sure. ”
    “ Oh, I'm sure. ”
    “ Well what would you say if I told you that this isn't over until I said it was over? ”
    This time, it was my eyebrows that rose high. Roman was still smiling, but that didn't mean a thing. Just as I was about to start cursing this man out, he chuckled.
    “ I was just playing, ” he said.
    It was my turn to stare at him, but I wasn't

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