
Read Online Ruby by Kathi S. Barton - Free Book Online

Book: Ruby by Kathi S. Barton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathi S. Barton
Tags: Fantasy, Paranormal, vampire, paranormal romance, Wolf, Erotic Romance, Werewolf, shape shifter
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paid off
your student loans.” Ruby sat on the bed and looked at Sapphire.
Diamond was gone, but she knew she wasn’t far. They were going to
try and tag-team her into staying. But Ruby was out of there. “What
else has you pissed off?”
    “ He put over ten thousand
dollars in my checking account.” Sapphire asked her if she needed
it. “I was overdrawn, but not by that much. And there was no reason
for him to do that either. How the hell did he even find my account
information, much less deposit it into my account?”
    “ I could and have put
money in your account without the information.” This was news to
Ruby, but she should have expected it. Her sister could do just
about anything she wanted and usually did. “I just called the bank,
told them the account I wanted to deposit it in, and you had the
money. I think he might have been lucky in that the person thought
it was one of us helping you.”
    “ He won’t take it back.”
Sapphire sat down on the chair across from her as Ruby continued.
“I won’t take him as a mate. I don’t have the time or the energy
for one. And I’m pretty sure he has no idea what I am.”
    “ Quentin spoke to him.” Of
course he did. Ruby thought if she wasn’t going out of town soon or
he wasn’t married to her sister, she might murder the man. Instead
she got up to pace.
    “ I saw my patients today.
Diamond can care for them while they wait.” Sapphire didn’t say
anything, and Ruby turned to her. “What do you know?”
    “ The hospital is shutting
down as of the moment the last patient is taken out. The staff, all
of them, will be out of work soon, and the kitchen staff as well.
That’s a lot of mouths for the pack to start to care for. Not that
we can’t afford it, but you did ask. And Jenna refuses help. Just
as you knew she would.” Ruby didn’t want to feel guilty, but she
was pretty sure that’s what her sister had planned on. “Two of the
more critical patients died today, Diamond told me. No fault of
yours…they didn’t think they were going to make it anyway, and
because of the shutdown…well, it was too much for their
    “ Fuck.” Ruby sat down.
“Why are you telling me this? Is it because you think I’ll just
drop everything and go there? They fired me. I didn’t abandon my
job. I didn’t kill anyone. Hell, Sapphire, I was willing to work
without pay for a few hours a week at the clinic to help out. All
of us were.”
    “ The clinic and the soup
kitchen are officially closed. The homeless for the most part
either have to make their way to County or they just suffer. There
is no help for them here. Not unless something happens.” Sapphire
handed her a thick envelope. “I was told to give you this. And no,
I don’t know what it says.”
    Ruby stared at it for a long time
before she snatched it from her. When she opened it, Ruby had to
sit down as she read what the letter—letters,
    “ They’re offering me the
head of surgery and an office. Plus triple my pay.” Ruby looked at
Sapphire. “You had a hand in this, didn’t you? Or
    “ Neither of us. I had no
idea what they wanted until you just told me.” Ruby looked down at
the contract and decided that she’d read it over. But for now she
was still looking at their offer. There was a contract waiting for
her at the hospital where she was headed, but it wasn’t nearly this
good. “What else?”
    “ I get all kinds of perks.
A car, credit cards. They’re even going to pay my insurance.
Medical as well as malpractice.” She looked at her sister. “I have
to turn this down.”
    “ Why? I thought that was
your dream, to work in a hospital where you could be proud of the
turnout. I’m pretty sure that this is just what you were looking
for, right?” Ruby nodded. “Then I don’t see…unless it’s because of
Josh. You’re running from him.”
    “ What else am I supposed
to do?” Her sister snorted. “You know what I mean. I can’t have

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