among humans. Their task was to corrupt us and to try to bring about the downfall of mankind.
In order to do their master’s work, they had to possess vessels. Permission wasn’t necessary. They simply took whoever they wanted and used them as their meat puppets. Once they were done with a vessel, or upgraded to a new one, the poor human remembered every evil deed that they’d performed. Most committed suicide when they realized what they’d been forced to do. The rest went crazy. I couldn’t really blame them. Knowing that they’d killed, maimed or had tortured their fellow man would be enough to send anyone nuts.
Angels weren’t as invasive when they took possession of a human. Their hosts lost all memory of what happened while they were being possessed. With a pure spirit inside them, they stopped aging and became nearly immortal until they were released from their bondage. When they were freed, they resumed the normal aging process again. With their memories wiped clean, they had to start their lives over from scratch. If they’d been vessels for a long time, all of their friends and family would most likely be dead. It was probably a blessing that they didn’t remember anything.
I’d just finished reading the book when the front door opened and the twins entered. Brie saw the book in front of me and her eyebrows rose. “I see you have been learning about us. That is wise. You will need all the knowledge you can find if you are going to halt the demon uprising.”
“You do realize that I’m a sixteen year old high school student?” I said as I shut the book and pushed it away.
Sophia entered just in time to overhear us. “I am afraid that you will have to put that life behind you now. It is time for you to learn how to become a warrior.”
“How am I going to do that?” I didn’t try to hide my scowl. “I have no fighting skills. I only managed to stab the demons out of sheer dumb luck.”
“We will teach you,” Leo said. He carried a plastic bag that was presumably full of the ingredients they required for their mysterious spell.
I gave him an incredulous look. “No offense, but you two don’t exactly look all that dangerous.”
“Appearances can be deceiving,” Brie said and a sword appeared in her hand. Blue flames ran the length of the blade. It was almost bright enough to make we wince.
“Where did that come from?” I asked.
“That is something demons and angels have in common,” Leo explained. An identical sword appeared in his hand and glowed just as brightly. “We are able to call on our weapons at will.”
“How come you have swords and the demons only had daggers?”
“We are God’s warriors,” Brie explained and made her sword disappear. “Our mission is to hunt down demons and send them back to hell. The creatures you have seen so far are only lower level minions. The more powerful they are, the more impressive their weapons become.”
“Were you a warrior, too?” I asked Sophia.
She shook her head. “I was more of a knowledge seeker.”
“Sophia is very wise,” Leo said solemnly. “She was tasked with assisting the most intelligent humans to broaden their minds.”
“I’m sure that didn’t backfire at all,” I said dryly. “What with the invention of nuclear weapons and other fun things like that.”
“It was not our kind who whispered such evil possibilities to humans,” Sophia said in self-defense. “Demons can be blamed for that.”
Brie moved to one of the shelves and took down a large wooden bowl. Leo had made his sword disappear as well. He placed the plastic bag on the table and removed the contents one by one. Various plants, minerals, stones and liquids were in small jars. Brie crumbled up some of the leaves of each plant and sprinkled them over the other contents that Leo placed into the bowl. She chanted in a musical language that I’d never heard before and the mixture began to stir.
A small whirlwind started up, mashing the
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