Reunion Girls

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Book: Reunion Girls by J. J. Salem Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. J. Salem
Tags: Romance, Literature & Fiction, Contemporary, Contemporary Fiction, Contemporary Women, Women's Fiction
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leaned over to kiss Aspen's cheek and to cover her bare shoulders with as much blanket as he could stretch out without disturbing her. "Good night, Mrs. Lockhart," he whispered, content in the knowledge that this woman suited him so perfectly.
    But a tiny realization prevented him from giving in to slumber completely. There had been a moment tonight at the reception. A brief but powerful one. It made him question everything. What had he done? What was he doing? Why had he been such a fool back in college?
    Oh, yes, he'd felt it. And as he finally drifted off to sleep, Dean Paul could only wonder . . .  
    Had she felt it, too?

The It Parade
    by Jinx Wiatt

    Fill in the Blanks

    If you think the Jenner sisters are trouble, then brace yourself for a monster import of something similar straight from Tokyo. These girls make Kylie and Kendall resemble Laura and Mary Ingalls from Little House on the Prairie. Here's the proof: Was there ever talk about the adjacent Kardashians engaging in a three-way with a certain polo-playing stud? And it can only get worse. Rumor has it that the Japanese Olsen twins are pitting PR girls against each other for the right to plan their birthday party. Not just any mud will do for this kind of wrestling. These women are high maintenance. Borghese Fango mud only.


    SHE DIDN'T KNOW WHAT MADE her feel worse—the combination of the headache and nausea, or the look of consternation on Privi's face. Lara braced herself for another wave of almost sickness. It came on fast, nearly did her in, then faded. If only she could just throw up and get it over with.
    "I'll make you a cup of herbal tea with milk and honey," Privi said tightly.
    Lara raised a halting hand. Barely. This sapped her of much-needed strength. She would need everything she could muster to deal with the Kometani twins in a few hours. "It's no use, Privi," Lara murmured weakly. "I won't be able to keep it down. I just know it."
    Privi shook her head. "A young lady should only have one glass of champagne at a wedding. Anything more is disgraceful." She sighed, then, having made her point, softened a little as she stepped toward Lara's bed and adjusted her pillow for greater comfort. "I suppose you'll just have to sleep it off."
    "Not today," Lara croaked. "I have a client meeting."
    Privi tossed up her hands in a pantomime of disgust. "Get as much rest as you can. If you need anything, I'll be watching my story."
    Lara managed a faint smile as the tiny woman made a quiet exit.
    Privi stood no taller than four-foot-nine. The Dominican woman was rotund but graceful. She had started with the Wards when Lara came home from the hospital as a newborn. A live-in housekeeper and cook, Privi had filled in as baby-sitter, too. The only years that Privi had not been a daily presence in Lara's life were those at Brown. But her parents' graduation present set into motion a surprising reunion.
    Just minutes after parading in cap and gown to accept her diploma, Lara's parents had presented her with keys to an eleven-room condominium on New York's Upper East Side. Located in an elegant, full-service building on a quiet, tree-lined street, the place was magnificent. High ceilings. A Juliet balcony off the expansive living room. A formal dining area. An eat-in gourmet kitchen with laundry facilities. Three bedrooms and three full baths. A maid's quarters with a private kitchen and bath. For a single career girl just starting out in the city, it was beyond ridiculous.
    And more indulgence was to come. The palace came complete with Privi, who had been anxious to relocate to New York to be closer to her sister, Yari, who was reeling from her husband's sudden death. At first, Lara had balked. It was all just too much. In the end, though, she realized that her parents were unstoppable. She was their only child and had never given them a moment's worth of rebellion. Plus, their dual careers as surgeons had generated enormous wealth. They had the money to

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