Red Witch: Book Two of the Wizard Born Series

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Book: Red Witch: Book Two of the Wizard Born Series by Geof Johnson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Geof Johnson
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to see Rollie jogging up the driveway with his bulky backpack hanging from one hand. “Let’s hit the road, or we’re gonna be late.”
    Fred patted Jamie’s face and they got in the car.
    Rollie clicked his seat belt and said, “You guys gonna be ready for the show comin’ up?”
    Jamie shrugged and put the car in reverse. “I’m just doing my same old stuff. Nothing special.”
    “I’ve been working on a new routine.” Fred pulled the visor down and checked her makeup in the mirror. “I’ve been practicing at the dance studio.”
    “Jamie, why are you even bothering to go if you’re not trying to win,” Rollie said.
    “I think it’ll be kinda fun…bigger stage, lights and all. And I want to support you guys. It takes all three of us to make the Crew.”
    “We can’t be beat,” Rollie said. “Everybody smell our feet.”
    Fred lifted one foot, wearing an open-toed ankle strap sandal, and set it on the dashboard. “I don’t think you want to smell my feet. I just painted my toenails.”
    * * *
    I must be dreaming , Jamie realized. He was lying on the couch, head in Fred’s lap, like when he had mono, only he felt fine. He and Fred were talking about love.
    “Fred, how much do you love me?”
    She stroked his head. “Let’s see…if I told you every day, it would take me from now until one day after the end of time to finish telling you all the ways that I love you.” She ran one finger under his lip. “How about you?”
    “Well….” He scrunched his mouth in thought. “If I tried to put all of my love for you in my heart at once, it would burst. There’s just too much.”
    “Good answer.” She patted his head. “No go back and have the best dreams ever.”
    “I already am having the best dream ever.”
    * * *
    The next morning, Jamie walked out of his front door right as Fred arrived, setting her book bag on top of the Buick. “I dreamed about you last night,” she said.
    “Huh,” Jamie said. “I dreamed about you, too. It was nice. We were on the couch like when I had mono.”
    Fred wrinkled her brow as she put her arms around his waist. “That’s funny. That was my dream, too.”
    “I guess we were both thinking about it when we went to bed, after we talked about it yesterday.”
    “We should do that more often.” She smiled impishly.
    Jamie looked across the street. “Here comes Rollie. We need to get going.”
    * * *
    Fred was walking down the hall when Melanie caught up with her near the front of the school.
    She matched Fred’s stride and said, “Mind if I walk with you?”
    “No, ’course not.” Fred had decided that Melanie wasn’t so bad after all. “How’s Michael?”
    “Good.” Melanie smiled. “We’re having our two-year anniversary next week.”
    “Congratulations. That’s amazing.” They passed the cafeteria and walked on; throngs of kids streamed by, some in groups, some alone.
    “I know you and Jamie have been together for only a month or so, but it doesn’t seem like it. Seems like you’ve always been a couple.”
    “We’ve been friends since kindergarten, and we met before we were born.” Melanie gave her a puzzled look and Fred continued. “Our Moms met at Lamaze class, and they said we were both kicking like crazy, so they touched bellies. We’ve been —”
    “Yo’, ladies,” came a voice from behind them.
    Melanie glanced over her shoulder and turned back with a scowl.
    “Who’s that?” Fred asked.
    “Logan Perkins,” she said in a low voice. “He just moved here from Florida, and he thinks he’s God’s gift to women.”
    A tall boy caught up with them, walking beside Melanie. He had a cocky smile and spiked hair with frosted tips. “I’m new here and thought I should introduce myself,” he said. “I’m Logan.” He held out his hand but neither girl took it.
    “That’s nice,” Melanie said without looking at him.
    “And you are?”
    “Busy.” They continued to walk and Fred had to suppress a

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