then I would have had to talk to her
some more.
'Hello?' my mom said, all brightly, thinking it was one of her friends calling to comment on the high jinks
of Eddie and Patsy.
I slunk out as fast I could. There were several heavy objects lying around the couch that my mom could
have hurled in my direction if I'd stayed within missile range.
Back in my room, I tried to figure out what to do about Michael. What was I going to say to
him tomorrow, when Lars and
I pulled up in the limo to pick up him and Lilly before school? That I'd gotten in too late to
call? What if he noticed my nostrils flaring as I spoke? I don't know if he'sfigured out that they
do that when I lie, but I think I'd sort of mentioned it to Lilly, since
I have a complete inability to keep my mouth shut about stuff I really should just keep to myself, and
supposing she told him?
Then, as I sat there dejectedly on my bed, pretty sleepy because in Genovia it was five in the morning, I
had a brilliant idea.
I could see if Michael was logged on, and instant message him! I could do it even though my mom was
on the phone with Grandmere, because we have DSL now!
So I scrambled over to my computer and did just that. And he was online!
Michael, I wrote. Hi, it's me! I'm home! I wanted to call you, but it's after eleven,
and I didn't want your mom and dad to get mad.
Michael has changed his screen name since the demise of Crackhead. Now he's no longer CracKing.
He's LinuxRulz.
LinuxRulz: Welcome home! It's good to hear from you. I was worried you were dead or something.
So he had noticed I'd stopped calling! Which meant the plan that Tina and I had come up with was
working perfectly.
At least, so far.
FtLouie: No, not dead. Just super-busy. You know, fate of the aristocracy resting on
my shoulders and all of that. So should Lars and I pick you and Lilly up for school tomorrow?
LinuxRulz: That'd be good. What are you doing Friday?
What am I doing Friday? Was he asking me out? Were Michael and I actually going to have a date? At
I tried to type casually so he wouldn't know that I was so excited. I had already freaked Fat Louie out by
jumping up and down in my computer chair and almost rolling over his tail.
FtLouie: Nothing, so far as I know. Why?
LinuxRulz: Want to go to dinner at the Screening Room? They're showing the first Star Wars. You know
the real first one, not that waste of digital pixels, The Phantom Headcase.
OH MY GOD HE WAS ASKING ME OUT. Dinner and a movie. At the same time, because at the
Screening Room you
sit at a table and eat dinner while the movie is going. And Star Wars is only my favourite movie of all time,
after Dirty Dancing. Gould there BE a girl luckier than me? No, I don't think so.
My fingers were trembling as I wrote:
FtLouie: I think that would be OK. I'll have to check with my mom.
Can I let you know tomorrow?
LinuxRulz: OK. So see you tomorrow? Around 7:45?
FtLouie: Tomorrow, 7:45.
I wanted to add something like I miss you or I love you, but I don't know, it just felt too weird, and I
couldn't do it. I mean,
it's embarrassing, telling the person you love that you love them. It shouldn't be, but it is. Also, it didn't
seem like something
Jane Eyre would do. Unless, you know, she had just discovered the man she loved had gone blind in a
heroic attempt to
rescue his crazy firebug wife from an inferno she'd set herself.
Asking me out to dinner and a movie didn't really seem the same, somehow.
Then Michael wrote:
LinuxRulz: Kid, I've been from one side of this galaxy to the other...
which is one of my favourite lines from the first Star Wars. So then I wrote:
FtLouie: I happen to like nice men...
jumping ahead to The Empire Strikes Back, to which Michael replied:
LinuxRulz: I'm nice.
Which is better than saying I love you, because right after Han Solo says that, he totally kisses her.OH
It really is like Michael is Han Solo and I'm Princess Leia, because Michael is
Lynne McTaggart
J. T. Edson
Thomas Lynch
Joanne Rock
Kaylea Cross
Joe Haldeman, David Brin, Greg Bear, Kevin J. Anderson, Ben Bova, Hugh Howey, Robert Sawyer, Ray Kurzweil, Martin Rees
Maria E Schneider
Jasmine Haynes
Terence M. Green
Connie Mason