murderer? What gives you the
right to help him? Don’t any of the poor souls he’s murdered over
the years deserve their vengeance? What makes him better than any
of them?
Ivan’s voice was back and more annoying
than ever.
“ I wasn’t buried alive! I
fell into a stupid hole and some mud fell on top of me. Besides,
you’re only making all of this up to avoid talking about you
hooking up with Lucus! You made me look like such an idiot. You let
me walk into his room with lingerie on and then didn’t say anything
when I was going to do it again!” She screamed and her skin started
to get blotchy. “You quietly watched as I went after him hard like
some desperate freak and even encouraged me!”
She had a point, I did feel beyond
guilty, but I never meant for her to find out the way she had. “I’m
sorry,” I muttered. “I’m sorry, but I never meant for any of it to
happen. We all do things we’re not exactly proud of and the only
thing I can say is I’m sorry. Besides, it’s not like I threw myself
at him or anything. It was only a kiss. But I do…”
“ I knew it”! She screamed.
“You fell for him, even after you knew he was off
I turned my attention to the long
shelves lined with sweet smelling herbs and fiery oils. Through
clenched teeth, I muttered, “He’s not property. A person can’t be
off limits. He can do whatever he wants with whoever he wants.”
Honestly, I was tired of her acting like Lucus was a piece of meat.
He wasn’t.
The room went disturbingly mute and I
heard Sabrina take a deep breath.
Clutching the ingredients in my hand, I
turned around to face her.
Her lower lip started to quiver. She
was silent for a few seconds. When she spoke, her voice was low and
composed, which, combined with her mud stained dress and face, was
a little disturbing. “I know what you all think about me. You think
that I’m a vapid, spoiled joke. You all do, including Lucus. This
whole time he was nice to me but he was drooling over you. I feel
like such a moron. That’s what you wanted, right? For me to look
like a moron so you could look all superior. Argh! ”
Sabrina tugged on her hair and threw me
venomous stares. As she did, I noticed that the mud she was covered
in started to turn a pale pink that matched the color of her dress
perfectly. Slowly but surely, the pink started to turn darker and
darker until it was a sickening shade of red. I tried my best to
ignore it but soon it started to drip off of Sabrina and trickled
to my toes. I looked away and focused my attention to a jar of
Devil’s Shoestring that sat on a shelf.
“ That’s not true, Sabrina,
you know I don’t think you’re joke, and neither does Lucus. He was
being polite. He didn’t want to make you uncomfortable or
anything,” I said while still keeping my eyes firmly fixed on the
“ No. No. No! He wasn’t! He
was protecting you until you got the guts to say something! This
whole time you guys have been going behind my back and doing who
knows what. That’s not fair; I came here to meet him. I invited you
to come with me. How could you steal him from me? Why the hell does
everyone always flock to you? Tony, Lucus and even Ivan!” she
“ Steal him from you, really?
He was never yours to begin with. And Ivan? You can’t honestly
think there’s anything going on between us? He’s a major ass.” Kind
of. I still think there’s hope for him, but whatever.
“ Then why the hell can’t you
even look at me! I slept with him, but he still insists on hanging
around you! What’s up with that? Not that I care about him, but
still. I don’t even know you anymore! I tell you everything, and
all you do is keep secrets from me. You didn’t even tell me about
Slowly, I took my eyes off of the wall.
I know I was supposed to be hurt over Sabrina’s words, but at that
second all I could think of was that Saturday Night Live skit
What’s Up With That? The words kept repeating themselves
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Ann Cook