the bottom of his heart, and when Frankie looked at him again he saw a rarity. A genuine smile on the face of Leoric Swift. Frankie smiled back, and they shook hands before parting ways.
On the way out Zach shot Swift a playful punch to the arm.
“ Hey!” Swift hollered.
“ That was very cool of you, and I'm proud of you, as usual. Swag plus one million.”
Swift loosened his tie and put his hands behind his head “I am The Based God.” he said and they walked off laughing.
Gin Gets In
- 23 -
Mr. Method cursed under his breath and wiped his forehead. This could be it. The end. After all of his struggles throughout life, he faced the very real possibility of losing it all to an enemy that he had known for so long, but had yet to find a way to defeat. He looked at the date on his monitor and recoiled as if struck a fierce blow. Indeed, Monday had come for him yet again.
With some reluctance he opened his inbox and went to the new mail tab. The subject lines looked something like this:
Mission #12-0857 ESC-1 LaCroix – Violation of procedures
Mission #12-0912 ESC-1 LaCroix – Unauthorized equipment
Alex DeFau tagged you on Facebook
Verify your Trion Worlds account
Instructor's Meeting – Attendance is Mandatory
“ Ohhhhaaaaaauggh.” Zach groaned when he read the last one. He could deal with Swift flying around out there being a little madman. The geeks from techsec, or technical security, bugging him about using his work email for personal things wasn't an issue, but mandatory Instructor's meetings? He muttered under his breath “Smoke that noise, those things are cruel torture devices, crafted in the deepest pits of hell.” If he was going to get out of this, he needed to be fast. He needed to be strong.
“ What if...” he said to himself as he took out his smartphone and switched the mirror on. Come to think of it, he did looked a little sick this morning when he was shaving. Mr. Method inspected his eyes, mouth, nose and then coughed a little. Fail. No one would buy him being sick on the day of a mandatory meeting, even if he included a free television with the deal.
He pulled at the hair on top of his head and said “I...I can't lose here.”
Whenever there is a mandatory Instructor's meeting, the first thing that comes to Zach's mind is that windbag Tamsen, one of the Political Philosophy Instructors, grinding on and on about the sanitation of the staff bathrooms. Then comes the lectures on how cleanliness reflects one's character. Then came Burgato, the Life Studies Instructor, who follows up with his thinly veiled disapproval of his fellow staff. Apparently that jerk thought he could be as nasty and insulting as possible if he smeared the phrase “constructive criticism” over it. Then the other instructors would chime in for some good old Swift bashing. This was just the tip of the iceberg.
“ No way...this sucks.” Zach said, wiping his face.
He stared blankly at his schedule and sure enough there were no afternoon classes. Zach was sure that if he were a cadet, he would much rather prefer Combat Theory in the afternoon, during mandatory meetings, than in the morning. Either way using a class as an excuse was out of the picture. He went through a stack of memos and his heart jumped.
“ That's it! How could I have forgotten?” he asked.
Student Crew Try-outs were starting right after lunch, and he was the chairman of the Student Crew program here at the academy.
“ Swag.” he said with a grin.
- 24 -
Every hero needs a sidekick. Whoever thinks that this might be true probably did not have Corrigin O'Hare in mind. Far from perfect, Corrigin is just trying not to be worthless. He always has good enough grades to be average, and in Physical Education he's moderate at best. He never gets picked first for dodge ball, but somehow doesn't get picked last. It's not that he lacks the potential for greatness or that he doesn't care enough to apply himself, he just excels
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Rhian Ellis
Eden Myles
Robert Olen Butler
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