kicked her heels and changed to her pair of bunny slippers. “Hello, you two. What brought you here?” She walked towards them and reached out to hug them both. Garnet was totally unprepared for the thunderous slap that hit her face. It was his father. “Armand!”, her mother gasped. “Don’t do this.”
“What was that for?” She asked, too startled to speak.
“Did you really think we would never find out? Did you really think you can fool us for a long time, Garnet?”
“So you already know?”
“You are my testing my patience, young lady. Starting tomorrow, you are going back to St. Martin and are to stay with Gabrielle until I figure out what to do with you.”
“But what about school? Don’t you think that’s a bit too much, Father? Why don’t you slap me again so that we’re quits?”
Her mother rushed to her side. “Garnet, please understand. We are very disappointed in you. We never would have thought you’d go this far. What will Max’s parents say?”
Garnet’s temper rushed to the surface, “You care about what they say and you don’t care about mine? That’s just mighty low.”
“You listen to me, Garnet. You have me so disappointed in you. Everything will be arranged by tomorrow. Pack your bags and lock this goddamned place. It will be on the ads as soon as possible. You will follow orders from now on.”
She looked at her father squarely. “What if I don’t?”
“Then we will push through with the marriage and it will be your lifetime prison----whether you like it or not. In addition, you will leave school to be a full time wife to Max.”
“You’re impossible! Mother, can’t you hear what he’s saying?”
Her mom held her hand, as if to calm her. “Garnet, we are only thinking about your welfare.”
“My welfare or the family’s interest? How can you two be so selfish? What about me?”
His father rose from his seat, her mother behind him. “You heard me. Go pack your bags.” They left then and Garnet was filled with an utter sense of disbelief.
The warm water in the tub soothed her body but her mind was working nonstop. She gazed at the bathroom window, seeing the panorama of the street lights from her vantage point. So, it was over. What a mess she created for herself! She looked at the bathroom she carefully decorated, the elegant walls and the vintage tub and faucets. This was her home, the only place where she was able to live the way she wanted to. Now, it is longer hers. She hated her father for having no heart and her mother for not being able to stand up for her. Today ends everything and she’d be stuck in St. Martin for God knows how long. The only consolation is that, she’d be away from her parents and that Tante Gabrielle is there.
As the sudsy water covered her body, she thought about Max. She was not even able to execute her plan. The more she thinks about it, the clearer it became. She did not love Max. Maybe she was just too sick of her life that somehow, she found a bit of comfort in him. She would miss him though----his handsome face, his rough touch, his mysterious aura, and his detachment. She cares about him, but with everything going on right now, it is time to put an end to it and probably should start a new life without him.
Just then, her doorbell rang. She slipped on a robe and steeled herself just in case her parents decided to go back and insult her even further. With a heavy heart, she opened the door. Standing on the portal was Max. He was carrying a bunch of flowers. “You didn’t show up.” He began.
“What?” She asked, puzzled.
“We were supposed to have dinner tonight. I was at the restaurant, waiting. I was calling your goddamned phone but it was off. I thought something happened to you.”
“Oh. I’m alright. I overslept. I’m sorry I forgot about the dinner. Umm, err, come in.”
Garnet has no idea if
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