No Place for a Lady

Read Online No Place for a Lady by Maggie Brendan - Free Book Online

Book: No Place for a Lady by Maggie Brendan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maggie Brendan
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Historical, Christian
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Rusty that no one had told her about, and it tickled
her heart. She stood tapping her toe to the beat, and he caught her
eye, smiled back at her, and mouthed, "Thank you" It was evident
that he was pleased with Kate's transformation tonight.

    Jube swept up Carmen in the dance, and other couples entered
the fun. Crystal felt a touch at her elbow, and Kurt led her into
the midst of the dancers. He was a good dancer, much to her
    He pulled her close to him and whispered, "You look ravishing, Miss Crystal:"
    "Why, thank you" She felt herself blushing.
    "How's the hand?"
    "Much better, thank you," she answered. She tried to keep her
distance, but he pulled her closer. She was relieved when josh
tapped Kurt's shoulder to cut in.
    "You dance quite well, Miss Crystal. I've been watching you"
Josh's brown eyes roamed over her and lingered below her neck.
His stocky frame, hard as a rock, leaned closer to her until she
could feel his legs pressing against her dress. It had been a long
time since she had danced.
    When she looked into his eyes, she had a funny feeling in the
pit of her stomach. He wasn't at all like the cowhands in manner
or dress. He was very good-looking, his square jaw clean-cut.
Without his hat he appeared shorter.
    "I hope you're going to like it here and perhaps stay." He
squeezed her hand.
    "I haven't decided yet." She took a step back to create a space
between them.

    When they had circled the floor a few times, he suggested they
get some punch, to which Crystal readily agreed. Laughing and
out of breath, they headed toward the punch table.
    Kate joined them and introduced her to Bill Alden, the minister
of the local church. He was tall and thin in his dark suit, and he
appeared to be in need of a few good meals. He took Crystal's
proffered hand. "Your dress nearly matches the color of your eyes;"
he said. He led her into a waltz, leaving josh holding two cups of
punch with obvious disdain.
    "Thank you, Reverend. How large is your church membership?"
    "We're small. Around one hundred twenty-five, but attendance
varies depending on the weather" He smiled. "Do you sing?"
    "Yes, a little, but I can play piano better"
    "Wonderful! Maybe you'd be inclined to play for us some
    "I'd be happy to;' she said as they swayed to the music.
    Bill seemed delighted with this bit of news.
    Crystal feigned attention as he talked on, but she scanned the
room for signs of Luke out of the corner of her eye. She saw him
almost the minute he entered the barn. His tall frame embodied
the litheness of a cougar, and every woman in the room stared
while he strolled toward the tables. She saw that April wasted no
time engaging him in conversation and hooked her arm through
his elbow.
    Luke must have felt Crystal's gaze, and he turned around to
look straight at her with a hard, piercing stare. She felt confused.
Was he miffed at her? She turned her attention to Bill and smiled
up at the pastor, pretending rapt interest in his words.

    Crystal danced again with Kurt and josh, then another waltz
with Bill. She realized she hadn't eaten and suggested they sit the
next one out, and Bill seemed eager to please. They made their
way to the heavy-laden tables, while Bill heaped his plate so high
that she was afraid it would dump on his lap.
    Weaving their way through the crowd, they found chairs outside where the cool night air fanned their warm faces. They could
hear giggling and voices whispering, then April's voice came across
loud and clear. "Did you see her frumpish silk dress, with her
bosom almost falling out for everyone to see?" She snickered.
"You'd think she was at a War Between the States ball."
    The group of young girls stood clustered near the opening of
the door, apparently unaware of Crystal just outside. The laughter
    "I think she's beautiful, and so is her dress, although a bit too
elegant for a barn dance. What's the matter, April, afraid she'll
steal your

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