Nico's Heart (RARE Book 1)

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Book: Nico's Heart (RARE Book 1) by Dawn Sullivan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dawn Sullivan
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far along, maybe four or five months.  She seemed to notice me as I watched the vision unfold and she told me where they were.  If we don’t get there soon, she is going to be raped by two of the guards right before the building explodes.  Bran, she is your mate.”
    “What the fuck,” Bran roared as he surged to his feet.  “Are you messing with me?”  Angel shook her head.  “No, now sit your ass down and listen to me.”
    Chase got up and put his hand on Bran’s shoulder, growling low in his throat to get Bran to calm down.  “Listen to Angel, Bran.  She is risking a lot by letting you go along this time.  She never takes anyone because it could easily screw up her mission.  I have no clue why she’s taking you, but you better calm the hell down and listen to her so she doesn’t change her mind.”
    Bran slowly got control of himself, but it took a few minutes.  To find out he had a mate, one that was being held by sadistic bastards and was possibly going to be raped by the m, if she had not already been, was killing him.  God, she was pregnant, so that meant she probably had.  He was going to kill every last mother fucker in that place.  He looked up at Angel.  “I have no idea why you are letting me go, but let’s get the hell out of here.  I need to get to my mate.”
    “Flame,” Angel said gently.  “Your mate’s name is Flame.”  Bran took in a deep breath and closed his eyes, nodding.  “And I am letting you go because she will die if I don’t.” 

Chapter 23
    As Jaxson made the phone call to have the jet fueled and ready for them, Nico went outside to talk to Jenna and Lily.  Lily looked over as he approached and smiled, her dimples showing.  “Catch me, Daddy!” she squealed as she took off down the slide.  Laughing, he ran over and scooped her up, throwing her in the air.  As he hugged her again, she placed a hand on his cheek and smiled.  “Don’t worry, Mama and I will be ok.”  He smiled at her and said, “Yes, you will.  And I promise I will be home just as soon as I can.”  He turned as he heard Storm’s voice.  “Hey there, Lily.  Let’s see which one of us can swing higher!”
    “I thought you were resting,” Nico said.  “I’ll rest when I’m dead,” she quipped back.  “That’s our motto,” he said , laughing.  “You should really leave the council and come work with us.”  Storm just laughed.  “I don’t know if I could put up with all that testosterone in one place.”
    Nico grabbed Jenna’s hand and pulled her back towards the house.  When they walked in, the team was still in the living room debating on the best way to launch the rescue.  As they walked by, Angel stopped them.  “Congrats on the mating,” she told them. 
    “We will have a mating ceremony as soon as possible,” Chase told them.  Basically, that meant they were going to have one kick ass party.  Nico and Jenna were already mated, but at the ceremony Chase would announce it to the pack, approve it, and everyone would party until dawn.
    “We leave in 20 minutes, Nico,” Angel told him.  “Move this outside by the car,” she told the rest of them.  “Let’s let them say goodbye in peace.”
    “Bow chica bowwow,” Rikki drawled.  Everyone laughed as they moved out the front door.  “I really don’t want to think about my sister like that,” Chase groused.
    They heard the front door shut as they hit the bedroom.  Nico had Jenna stripped in record time and was sliding into her warm, wet heat balls deep.  “God,” he growled into her ear.  “I don’t want to leave you.”  He pounded into her desperately as she clung to him.  He felt her clench tightly around him and he let himself come at the same time she did, latching onto her shoulder with his teeth, claiming her once again.  She cried out as she sank her own fangs in deep.
    After a few moments, Nico leaned up and gazed down at her.  “You are so beautiful,” he

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