Naming Day (Jake Underwood Book 1)

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Book: Naming Day (Jake Underwood Book 1) by Michael Ruger Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael Ruger
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it will make it hard to get things organized. They can be a real pain in the ass if you aggravate them.” They stared at me for a minute as waiting for a signal so I gave them one. “Hop to it people!” I said as I clapped my hands and motioned for the twins to open the door. They all slowly filed out, mumbling to themselves.
    As soon as they had all gone, I motioned to the Twins to close the door and come closer. I gestured for Critter, Lucinda and Bolan to take a seat and I took one myself.
    “Here’s the skinny. I think Kevin is really gone. There’s just too much heat out there for there to be any other reasonable explanation. There’s a lot of pressure coming from the court for some reason. The sheriff is reporting directly to someone with a lot of clout. There is enough talent out there for an heir’s outing. That means a bunch of alpha toughs are going to be getting in everybody’s business.
    “I am sure he told me just enough so I would realize how much pressure there is going to be to find someone who fits the bill. That aside, we have to keep the place going until we get some kind of word.”
    “What about finding out what happened to Mr. Kevin?” Tarryk rumbled at me. I saw everyone else look expectantly at my face. The Twins were very unhappy. I didn’t like to see the twins unhappy. Not because I care so much about their personal joy, but because when they were unhappy, things and people tended to get damaged.
    “Yeah, well, you let me worry about that. We took care of that bastard who got to Alicia and we’ll put paid to this SOB’s account too. You just be ready when I call.” That seemed to satisfy them, at least for the moment. “On that subject, let me ask this. Is there anything that you are holding back from the Sheriff? Now would be the time to let me have it.” They all looked at each other and nervously looked back at me. I hadn’t thought they would have anything, but it didn’t hurt to ask.
    “No? Well, can anybody tell me what happened after I left? Did he say anything to anyone about where he was going or why?”
    Lucinda look at me. “All he said was that he needed to get out for a while and for me to call the night guy in early. It wasn’t that unusual. He was always busy. In and out, checking on this and that, settling disputes, that kind of thing.”
    “Was there any particular problem that was especially bothersome? Maybe some beef with an employee?”
    “No. Nothing that I know of.” Lucinda shrugged. “He was a fair boss and made sure that everybody was taken care of. A nice guy.”
    “Alright, if any of you think of anything else or you just want to talk to me privately, take my card and call, my office can find me.” I drew out my business card and passed them around. The twins didn’t really need them. They knew where I lived, but for the sake of harmony everybody got one.
    “That’s settled then? Let’s deal with the Silver Tree.” I drew my breath and outlined my plan. “Really, Kevin didn’t do much but settle disputes and run the bar.” I raised my hand to quell the protest. ”Oh, I’m sure that he dealt with a lot of little details and probably approved orders and did some paper work, but the actual work in the club was done by the staff under your supervision.”
    “That’s true as far as it goes” said Bolan “But how are you going to get everyone paid? Kevin paid us all in coin of the Realm, whatever realm that happened to be. I’m sure that his bank, whatever or wherever it might be isn’t going to let you withdraw funds. They’ll probably freeze the account.”
    “That’s true, I hadn’t considered that.” I thought about what I knew about Kevin and money. It wasn’t much. He always seemed to have as much as he needed and didn’t seem distressed about the cost of things. “I’m sure the receipts will cover expenses eventually and I’ll guarantee at least the first payroll. I’m sure we can work something out with whoever

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