Mystery of the Hidden Painting

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Book: Mystery of the Hidden Painting by Gertrude Chandler Warner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gertrude Chandler Warner
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wonderful,” Jessie said. “Grandfather will love it.”
    But Henry covered his mouth with his hand, so Benny wouldn’t see him laughing.
    â€œI’m only wearing it for Grandfather,” Benny said. “I think it looks silly.”
    The next day the Aldens went to Barlow’s Men’s Shop and looked at sweaters for Mr. Alden’s gift. Benny wanted to buy a bright red one. Violet wanted a blue one. Jessie loved a green sweater. Henry finally said, “Let’s buy one that Grandfather would want, not one we’d like for ourselves.”
    They all had to agree that the gray wool was what Grandfather would like the best.
    When they reached home, they went up to Violet’s room and she wrapped the sweater in gift paper. She had made her own card and they all signed it. When she made a big bow for the top of the gift box, Benny said, “Violet, you’re the best wrapper in the world.”
    They had planned the party as a surprise dinner party and had invited Aunt Jane and Uncle Andy. The morning of Mr. Alden’s birthday, the children all pretended to sleep late, so that Grandfather would go to his office before seeing them. They wanted to give him his present at the dinner party.
    That day, Mrs. McGregor made Mr. Alden’s favorite dinner … fried chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans, and a big salad. All the children helped make the chocolate cake. Violet decorated it very carefully. When the cake was finished, Jessie decorated the dining room and living room with balloons. Then she hung streamers around the portrait of their grandmother. Violet practiced the Blue Danube waltz, which she had decided to play on her violin. Aunt Jane and Uncle Andy arrived at five o’clock, and everyone was waiting when Mr. Alden came home at five-thirty.

    The children all had on their clothes from the attic and they shouted “Surprise!” as Grandfather came into the balloon-filled living room. A big sign on the doorway read HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
    Grandfather laughed out loud when he saw the children. “Where did you get those clothes?” he asked.
    â€œFrom your very own attic,” Benny answered.
    Grandfather said to Benny, “You are wearing your great-grandfather’s sailor suit.”
    â€œReally,” Benny said. “I didn’t even know I had a great-grandfather.”
    Mr. Alden opened his present from the children, and even though it was a warm evening, he put the sweater on for a little while. Aunt Jane and Uncle Andy gave him a book he had wanted.
    Then they all went into the living room and enjoyed every bite of Mrs. McGregor’s wonderful meal. When she came in carrying the cake everyone sang “Happy Birthday.” Watch barked along with the song.
    Violet played her violin piece and Henry recited his poem. Just then the doorbell rang. Aunt Jane and Uncle Andy looked at each other slyly. Mrs. McGregor answered the door and came back with Mrs. Newton, who was carrying an armful of roses. “I always seem to be visiting you uninvited. But Aunt Jane told me it was your birthday, Mr. Alden. I wanted to bring these flowers to put on the mantelpiece next to your wife’s picture. They are my own prize-winning roses, which I grow in my yard. I though they would look very pretty with the portrait.”
    The whole family went into the living room. Jessie got a vase filled with water and they placed the roses next to the portrait.
    Grandfather smiled. “This is one of the best parties I’ve ever had.”
    He looked at the portrait. “And do you know what one of the best presents I’ve ever gotten is?”
    â€œWhat, Grandfather?” Violet asked.
    â€œIt’s knowing,” Grandfather said, “that your grandmother’s necklace is safe and sound. I thank you children for that.”
    â€œAunt Jane helped, too,” Benny said.
    Grandfather turned to his sister and said, “I thank you, too,

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