My Lord's Lady
bewilder the man. “Is something amiss, my lord?”
    Vane could only wonder what the rest of the company was feeling. He, himself, felt a sense of urgency. Something must be done, and quickly, to keep Georgina here. “No. Thank you, doctor, for your happy news. Foweley will see you out.”
    Flicking a curious glance about the room, he bowed to the ladies and quickly departed.
    “This will be our last night together!” Leticia wailed, breaking the heavy silence. She ran to Sabrina and clung to her skirts. “I’m going to miss you ever so much.”
    “Me, too!” Lawrence, always a model of deportment, forgot himself so far as to sit, uninvited, next to Georgina on the couch and lean into her confidingly.
    “We have tonight! Let’s make the best of it!” Amesley forced a hearty chuckle. “What say you, Forry? Shall we let the children decide on a bit of fun.”
    A light dawned. Perhaps Peter had inadvertently given him an opportunity. There was only one answer.
    “I shall plan the festivities for tonight.”
    His pronouncement brought a range of reactions, none flattering: Sabrina and Amesley shared a speaking glance, the children appeared crestfallen, and even Tildie pursed her mouth in a moue of speculation. Georgina just stared at him wide-eyed, her expression an intriguing mixture of vulnerability and apprehension, but perhaps just a glimpse of hope.
    “I shall plan the festivities,” he repeated. “Lawrence and Leticia will assist me. We will summon you all when we are ready.”
    Both children squealed with pleasure. He held out his arms, and they rushed to his side. As they strolled hand in hand from the room, he could feel Georgina’s warm gaze, and he could hear the faint crackling of his icy bower as it fell into pieces around him; freeing him.
    “Egad, Forry surprises me!” Amesley looked as bewildered as she felt. “This is not in his style at all.”
    “Laurentian may surprise us all before this day is over,” Tildie stated cryptically.
    Sabrina’s brilliant smile radiated delight. “I think it is marvelous he asked the children to help, don’t you, Mama?”
    Every one of them seemed determined to push her in a certain direction. She gazed at each rapt face in turn, hesitant to disappoint them, yet so uncertain of the future.
    “I must confess I, too, am on pins and needles contemplating what may be in store for us. This Little Season has held nothing but surprises so far.” There, she hoped that was optimistic enough without giving herself completely away.
    “I think it has been wonderful!” Sabrina danced about the room, finally stopping in front of her. “London is not at all the terrifying place I imagined. And if everyone is as kind as Lord Amesley and Lord Vane, even for all his sternness, then I eagerly await my Season.”
    “I predict you shall be all the rage, Sabrina,” Amesley replied with gallantry.
    Beaming at him, Sabrina shrugged. “It matters not, my lord. Regardless, I plan to enjoy myself to the fullest.”
    Admiration flared in his eyes. Unbelievably, Georgina watched Sabrina favor him with a dimpled smile. Her shy daughter had come a long way in these past few days, and no doubt the gallant young man across the room had everything to do with that. She caught a speculative glance in Tildie’s dark eyes, and could nearly see the wheels turning in her active mind. But it was way too soon to be thinking of bridals for Sabrina. She had months to plot a happy ending for her, but only hours to make a decision about her own future.
    She had practically worn a path in the cream carpet of her bedroom when the knock finally came on her door. Still it startled her, and she paused, not ready to face what came next.
    She had declared them a mismatch—his stern correctness was annoying, his cool air of detachment too heavy a barrier to break through. Yet the tingling sensation of awareness she felt in his presence and the pleasure his mouth and hands had awakened in her could not

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