Murder in the Rose Garden: A Scent with Love Cozy Mystery (Scent with Love Cozy Mysteries)

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Book: Murder in the Rose Garden: A Scent with Love Cozy Mystery (Scent with Love Cozy Mysteries) by Tabitha Tate Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tabitha Tate
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sign of anyone with a gunshot wound but there
were two mean-looking men with big muscles and machine guns standing on either
side of the roller door. Only then did it occur to her that the sound she had
heard was probably the sound of the minivan backfiring and not a gunshot. Damn .
Beth stood frozen behind the shipping container and watched the two women
carrying on, talking as if it was the most normal thing in the world to be
unpacking a minivan filled with drugs in a deserted warehouse late at night. One
of the young men took the last black bag out of the van and packed it in a
shipping container before signaling for the men to finish up. Allison Landon
went over to inspect the packed container and called for the curly blonde to
follow her. Beth peered out to try and get a closer look, craning her neck
around the side of the container only to see the biggest spider she had ever
seen crawl across her hand. It was a large silvery spider with legs banded in
black and yellow and Beth had just placed her hand through the center of its giant
silken web. A stifled scream sounded from her lips before she could stop
Landon signaled to the two muscled thugs at the door and before she had the
chance to run, they were dragging her out from behind the container. They
dragged her to the minivan, where Allison stood waiting with the curly blonde
at her side.
    “What shall
we do with her, Big Al?” asked thug number one.
    Allison had
a look of annoyance on her face. She patted Beth down and found the pistol
tucked into her sock, which she took and placed in her purse.
looked worried. A frown spread across her face as she looked around the room at
the three young men, the two armed thugs and finally her eyes settled on the
curly blonde.
     “Piper, do
you know anything about this?” she asked angrily.
    The blonde
didn’t say a word, simply shook her head. Allison turned to the men who were
looking at her wide-eyed.
    “Do any of
you know anything about this?” she yelled and pointed a chubby finger at Beth.
They all shook their heads in unison.
    Beth cleared
her throat and said, “I was just looking for a bathroom, I needed to use the
toilet.” Big Al laughed hysterically and squinted her beady blue eyes at Beth.
    “That’s the
oldest excuse in the book. Don’t patronize me, dear.”
    Big Al
scanned the room again, looked over at the two armed thugs and signaled in
Beth’s direction with a small jerk of her head. “Tie her up,” Allison barked, then
looked over at Piper and said, “her too.”
    Thug number
two tied Beth and Piper together back to back with their feet and arms bound
together and secured their feet to the overhead crane that was normally used
for lifting and stacking shipping containers.
    “What do you
want us to do with them, boss?” asked thug number two as he hoisted the two women
into the air using a hand-held crane remote.
    “Get rid of
them,” replied Allison, before walking towards the minivan. Beth started to
panic and started screaming uncontrollably. Thug number one came over and hit
her hard over the head with the back of his gun, causing her to pass out.  Piper
dug her chin down and spoke into the microphone between her breasts.
require an evacuation, ASAP!”
seconds the warehouse was engulfed in flashing blue lights and a SWAT team had
banged down the roller door. The two armed thugs looked bewildered and stood
frozen. Big Al whipped Beth’s pistol from her purse and started firing wildly
as she raced to the minivan. Beth came to just in time to see Lolathe
ex-police dog jumping up to bite Allison on the arm, disarming her instantly.
    The police
managed to get the situation under control and all the gang members were taken
into custody. Chase Crawford ran over and lowered Beth and Piper to the floor,
before engulfing Beth in his strong arms.
    “What were
you thinking, pretty lady. I thought I had lost you there for a

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