Meet Me at Taylor Park

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Book: Meet Me at Taylor Park by Jason W. Chan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jason W. Chan
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him a mischievous look, and then picked up a sharp stone on the ground.
    “What’s your last name?” she asked.
    He gave her a curious look. “What are you doing?”
    “Trust me. What’s your last name?”
    “Morrissey,” he said hesitantly.
    She carved the following onto the bench:
    KS + BM = …
    She paused. “What should I put after that equal sign?” She had this flirty look on her face.
    Brandon widened his eyes.
    Katie then lifted her hand and caressed his bottom lips with two fingers. Mesmerized, he fell in a calm stupor as she traced his mouth with her fingers.
    He shivered, but not because of the cold.
    It was over too soon. She moved her fingers away. Brandon felt disappointment sink in. But, before he could process it, she moved in, hovering just inches from his face. Then, she kissed him on the lips. It was a warm, passionate kiss, making the cold of the night dissipate. She pulled back, and Brandon touched his lips in surprise that she had made the first move this time.
    She turned around and carved a shape that resembled lips on the other side of the equal side. Then, she threw her head back, laughing.
    Brandon couldn’t stop looking at her. She was radiant in the moonlight, like a Greek goddess coming to life.
    Although he didn’t know what was so funny, he started laughing too. Her laughter had been contagious.
    He stood up and took her by the hand. “Come on. Let me show you something.”  
    “You mean there’s more?”
    He nodded. “A lot more.”
    He led her around the path, until they reached a hidden side path.
    She stared into the darkness. “Where are we going?”
    “Trust me,” he said. “I know what I’m doing. You’ll like the surprise.”
    He held her hand and advanced, but she stayed rooted in place.
    Brandon turned around. “Do you trust me Katie?”
    The old fears of walking into darkness with a boy made her chest uncomfortable. Her mother had always warned her not to go into dark places with boys.
    Katie looked at Brandon. He smiled, and rubbed her hand with his fingers.
    She peered into the darkness, but couldn’t see anything except giant trees and wide bushes. In the blackness, they looked like beasts.
    Then, she heard a rustling sound in the bushes. She tightened her tight on Brandon’s hand, and studied him.
    He was looking at her with his head tilted to the side. He looked completely harmless, someone with good intentions.
    She reminded herself that he had been nothing but a gentleman so far.
    Katie took a deep breath. “OK, let’s go.”
    He smiled, and she followed him into the darkness. Branches and bushes reached their fingers out at them as they pass, but they dodged them and finally arrived at a clearing. The scent of fresh pine surrounded them.
    She could see only black as her eyes adjusted. “What am I looking at?”
    “Just wait and see,” was all he said.
    After a few minutes, Katie could make out an oval outline. Then, as she examined it, she realized it was a piece of fabric stretched out over a steel frame with four beams on the ground.
    Brandon hurried up to it, and hopped on. “Come on. The fabric’s safe. I tried it out yesterday.” He started to jump up and down.
    When she realized that it was a trampoline, she let out a squeal of delight.
    She raced toward it and jumped on. “I love these. I used to have one when I was a kid but it broke and we couldn’t afford to replace it.”
    She hopped up and down as Brandon did the same next to her. The thrill of bouncing up and down made her forget all about the contest, as though it were an event in a fantasy world.
    As Brandon jumped, he held both Katie’s hands and they became one enormous jumping object.
    Katie held onto him, and enjoyed the feel of his warm hands on hers.
    Brandon put his mouth beside her ears. “That’s not all.”
    “How can you top this?”
    “If you jump high enough, you can see the mountain on one side, the river on one side, and the cities on the third. Wanna try

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